
In the duration of the semester, we face a lot of challenges in terms of managing our academic courses, even more so in online semesters. There can be various notes, assignment/report deadlines, quizzes, projects etc. that require tracking. Besides just managing current courses, it is also important to plan future semesters and get realistic course feed-backs during the time of registrations. All of these processes can get complicated and may lead to critical mistakes. The origin of the idea of our project ‘Academic Management Software’, is from a blend of functions of Google calendar, Pingala, and Mookit.

Our product aims at including the most useful features from a student and academic viewpoint, to provide you with an exclusive platform to manage everything related to your academics in a single place. Helping you manage the afore-mentioned tasks and utilising your time for something more productive is what we are deeply passionate about.


  • install vscode, git, node and npm on your local machine
  • fork the repo and clone forked repo
  • run npm install in the root directory as well as in the my-app/ directory to install all dependencies mentioned in package.json files
  • make your own branch and make changes to that only, push that branch to origin

Running the source code

  • Run npm start in the root directory to start the server
  • Run npm start in the my-app/ directory to run the frontend