project folder: guptaNswati-prject02 Brief description of submitted files: src/ - One object of class MillionSongDataSubset parses a JSON data set and stores each entry in an array. src/ - One object of class SongEntry stores a simplified version of the genre data set from the Million Song Dataset. src/ - Converts duration into a string representation. src/ - Performs a basic sorting algorithm of a generic array of objects. src/subsetsum/ - An object of type FoothillTunesStore creates an object of type MillionSongDataSubset, which in turn parses a JSON data set with a given file path. - The parsed data set is stored in an array of SongEntry objects. Next, it reads prompts the user for a play list duration. - Uses an object of type SubsetSum to make a play list of SongEntry objects that best match the given duration. - Includes main src/subsetsum/ - Reads in a file and adds the prices into a list of the prices of groceries src/subsetsum/ - Reads a json file that contains songs. and creates an arraylist of songs of their duration. src/subsetsum/ - An object of type ShoppingBag class creates an object of type subset sum to find a best possible grocery shopping list within the given budget. - Creates an Object of FoothillTunesStores that creates a list of songs. - Includes main src/subsetsum/ - Given the condition of how much the user's target is, determines a list of grocery items and songs. lib/json-simple-1.1.1.jar - Java toolkit for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) used to encode or decode JSON text. - resources/groceries.txt - contains list of grocery items and their price resources/music_genre_subset.json - contains songs in json format resources/RUN.txt - console output of ShoppingBag and FoothillItunesStore README.txt - description of submitted files