A PyTorch implementation of the SSD Multibox Detector for image feature extraction, based on the 2016 Arxiv paper by Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng-Yang, and Alexander C.
- Installation
- Datasets
- Demo
- Training
- Evaluation
- Performance
- Experiments
- Directory structure
- References
To install Python dependencies and modules, use
pip install -r requirements.txt
To get the pretrained weights ready for use, run tar -zxvf ssd_pretrained.pth.tar.gz
and tar -zxvf vgg16_reducedfc.pth.tar.gz
inside the weights/
2012 version of Pascal VOC dataset - well known dataset for object detection/classification/segmentation. Contains 100k images for training and validation containing bounding boxes with 20 categories of objects.
Run SSD_Demo.ipynb notebook to run Single-Shot Detection on a random image from the PascalVOC2012 dataset.
Run SSD_train.ipynb notebook to train the SSD model on the PascalVOC2012 dataset.
Run SSD_Eval.ipynb notebook to evaluate the SSD model on the PascalVOC2012 validation set.
Run SSD_Eval_Testset.ipynb notebook to evaluate the SSD model on the PascalVOC2007 test set. (Download the PascalVOC2007 test set using wget http://pjreddie.com/media/files/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
and run tar -xvf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
in the root directory of the repository.
On UCSD Data Science and Machine Learning Cluster:
Category | Clean Image (mAP) | Noisy Image (mAP) | Denoised Image (mAP) |
Training | 88.19% | 52.73% | 73.78% |
Evaluation | 77.43% | 46.47% | 61.84% |
- Training & Optimization Experiments (Plots for all these experiments can be found inside
folder)- SSD_train.ipynb - Runs the training using SGD Optimizer.
- SSD_train_Adam.ipynb - Runs the training using Adam Optimizer.
- SSD_train_RMSProp.ipynb - Runs the training using RMSProp Optimizer.
- SSD_train_LearningRate.ipynb - Runs the training using a range of learning rates. Used for hyperparameter tuning.
- SSD_train_Momentum.ipynb - Runs the training using a range of momentum values. Used for hyperparameter tuning.
- Denoising Experiments (Uses DUDnCNN trained net for denoising - denNet.pt)
- SSD_Denoising.ipynb - Runs detection on Clean, Noisy, and Denoised versions of a random image from the PascalVOC2012 dataset.
- SSD_Denoise_Eval.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the the denoised images of the validation set of PascalVOC2012.
- SSD_Denoise_Eval_Testset.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the denoised images of the test set of PascalVOC2007.
- SSD_Noisy_Eval.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the the noisy images of the validation set of PascalVOC2012.
- SSD_Noisy_Eval_Testset.ipynb - Runs the evaluation of the noisy images of the test set of PascalVOC2007.
- SSD_Denoise_Experiments.ipynb - A superset of "SSD_Denoising.ipynb" that runs detection of Clean, Noisy, and Denoised versions of a random image from PascalVOC2012 dataset, while providing options for changing the characteristics of the noise added. The characteristics include Mean, Standard Deviation, and Magnitude.
- Video Experiments (inside
)- SSD_VIDEO.ipynb - Uses the pretrained SSD model on locally saved frames of a video stream. Detects Clean images.
- SSD_VIDEO_NOISY.ipynb - Uses the pretrained SSD model on locally saved frames of a video stream. Detects Noisy images.
- SSD_VIDEO_DENOISED.ipynb - Uses the pretrained SSD model on locally saved frames of a video stream. Detects Denoised images.
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- data/ -
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- init.py - contains instances:
- function detection_collate - stack images in 0th dimension and list of tensors with annotations for image and return in tuple format, given tuple of tensor images and list of annotations
- function base_transform - resize and mean-normalize image
- class BaseTransform - call base_transform(image) iteratively
- config.py - configures VOC dataset with source directory, mean values, color ranges and SSD parameters
- voc0712.py - configures VOC dataset with labels considered, and contains instances:
- class VOCAnnotationTransform - store dictionaries of classname:index mappings, with an option to discard difficult instances
- class VOCDetection - update and store annotation based on input image, with functions to get item, pull item, image, annotation and tensor
- demos/ - demo gifs to show performance of SSD on noisy, clean and denoised video streams (source files for the .gifs shown above)
- *_experiments/ - experiments folders for denoising, optimization and video performance evaluation
- .ipynb_checkpoints/ - checkpoints folder for modular running of python notebooks
- *.ipynb - jupyter notebooks to visualize descent of loss, other evaluation metrics
- *.jpeg - plots of loss functions in different scenarios
- pickles/ - pickle files for easy storing of data during cross validation (different learning rates, momentums etc.)
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- NOISE_PARAMS.pkl - Pickle file for noise parameters
- nntools.py - class script for base classes to implement neural nets, evaluate performance, specify metrics etc.
- devkit_path / -
- annotations_cache/ -
- annots.pkl - Pickle file for annotations
- results/ - result files for each class
- annotations_cache/ -
- eval/ -
- test1.txt - ground truth bbox vales and predictions for a selected portion of VOC dataset
- test1_Denoise.txt - ground truth bbox vales and predictions for a selected portion of the VOC dataset AFTER noising and denoising
- layers/ -
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- functions/ -
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- init.py - import all files in pwd
- detection.py - contains instances:
- class Detect - enable decoding of location predictions of bboxes and apply NMS based on confidence values and threshold; restrict to tok_k output predictions to reduce noise in results quality (not actual image noise)
- function init - allocate memory and initialize
- function forward - forward propagation to update layers given input location prediction, confidence and prior data from their respective layers
- class Detect - enable decoding of location predictions of bboxes and apply NMS based on confidence values and threshold; restrict to tok_k output predictions to reduce noise in results quality (not actual image noise)
- prior_box.py - contains instances:
- class PriorBox - collate and store priorbox coordinates in center-offset form and tie it to each source feature map
- function init - allocate memory and initialize
- forward - forward propagation through priorbox layers
- class PriorBox - collate and store priorbox coordinates in center-offset form and tie it to each source feature map
- modules/ -
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- init.py - import all files in pwd
- l2norm.py - contains instances:
- class L2Norm - calculate L2 norm and normalize
- function init - allocate memory and initialize
- forward - compute the norm and return
- class L2Norm - calculate L2 norm and normalize
- multibox_loss.py - contains instances:
- class MultiBoxLoss - compute targets for confidence and localization and apply HNM; using a loss function that is weighted between the cross entropy loss and a smooth L1 loss (weights were found during cross validation)
- function init - allocate memory and initialize
- function forward - forward propagate through multibox layers, given tuple of location and confidence predictions, prior box values and ground truth boxes and labels in tensor format
- class MultiBoxLoss - compute targets for confidence and localization and apply HNM; using a loss function that is weighted between the cross entropy loss and a smooth L1 loss (weights were found during cross validation)
- init.py - import all files in pwd
- box_utils.py - contains instances:
- function point_form - convert prior box values from center-size format for easy comparison to point form ground truth data
- function center_size - convert prior box values to center-size format for easy comparison to center-size ground truth data
- function intersect - compute area of intersection between two given boxes
- function jaccard - compute jaccard overlap or intersection over union of two boxes
- function match - match prior box with ground truth box (for all boxes) based on highest jaccard overlap, encode in required format (point-form or center-size), and return matching indices for the given confidence and location predictions
- function encode - encode variances from prior box layers into ground truth boxes
- function decode - decode locations from priors and locations and return bbox predictions
- function log_sum_exp - compute log of sum of exponent of difference between current tensor and maximum value of tensor, for unaveraged confidence loss
- function nms - compute non-maximum suppression to avoid too many overlapping bboxes that highlight nearly the same area
- out/ - output pickle files organized by the 20 VOC classes
- train_eval_test_notebooks/ - training and evaluation notebooks for loss fn visualization
- utils/ -
- pycache/ - .pyc files for Python interpreter to compile the source to
- init.py - import all in pwd
- augmentations.py - contains instances:
- function intersect - return intersection of two given bounding boxes
- function jaccard_numpy - return IoU or jaccard overlap of two given bounding boxes
- class Compose - definitions of different transforms to perform
- class Lambda - applies a lambda as a transform
- class ConvertFromInts - convert object from integers
- class SubtractMeans - subtract mean of image from passed image for normalization
- class ToAbsoluteCoords - convert lengths (widths, heights) to absolute coordinates
- class ToPercentCoords - convert coordinates to percentage values of image height and width
- class Resize - resize image
- class RandomSaturation - randomly saturate an image
- class RandomHue - add a random hue to an image
- class RandomLightingNoise - add random lighting noise to an image
- class ConvertColor - convert colorspace from BGR to HSV or vice versa
- class RandomContrast - add random contrast to an image
- class RandomBrightness - add random brightness to an image
- class ToCV2Image - shift image to CPU
- class ToTensor - shift image to GPU
- class RandomSampleCrop - randomly crop an image and return cropped image, adjusted bounding boxes and new class labels
- class Expand - expand an image through zero padding and mean-filling, and return along with adjusted bounding boxes and new class labels
- class RandomMirror - randomly choose to mirror an image
- class SwapChannels - Transform image by swapping channels in the specified order
- class PhotometricDistort - apply random brightness and lighting noise, and randomly distort images
- class SSDAugmentation - itemize all the above transformation functions on every image iteratively
- weights/ - *.pth files containing pretrained weights of SSD for the VOC 2012 dataset
- requirements.txt - package and module requirements for running the project
- opts.py - Contains default variables, parameters, and paths to run experiments.
- denNet.pt - Trained DUDnCNN net for image denoising.
Apart from links above for SSD Arxiv paper and VOC dataset documentation, we referred to:
- Project problem statement document
- Inspired by https://github.com/amdegroot/ssd.pytorch for SSD Implementation
- Raghav Subramanian
- Karthikeyan Sugumaran
- Rohit Gupta
- Imtiaz Ameerudeen