Hackathon ietbitmesra

Primary LanguageVue



Team Members

  1. Gagan Kumar Soni
  2. Garima Pandey
  3. Swayam Gupta
  4. Akshita Gupta

Live deployment link of netlify :- https://goodifie.netlify.app/

Link for the video :- https://drive.google.com/file/d/18D_RtiE7WRLw-Mj9uiAZgA2GvNo1r1h8/view?usp=sharing

THEME-1: Our website Goodifie has been built on the above mentioned theme to provide essentials goods according to the needs of our customers. Technologies that has been used to make this website are HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, Node JS, Express JS, MySQL, Netlify and Heroku . It provides an intuitive UI to make our products more appealing to the customers with an interactive Home Screen, Login and Signup Window, Categories Catalogue to browse through the various items, and finally the Cart to add as many items as the user wishes ! After that a user can place the order after adding an address. A user can also view his previous orders in the orders page.

In backend, we are using Model View Conroller(MVC) Architecture. And in front-end, we are using component-tree structure with vue js.

Setup guide for project

  1. Fork and clone this repository or download the zip folder.
  2. Move to front-end directory in cmd or git bash.
  3. Run "npm install -g vue-cli".
  4. Run "npm install".
  5. Then run "npm run dev" to start the local server.

#Thank You !