This tool retrieves and processes the latest CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) data. The data is stored in a CSV file and is processed using the pandas
- Python 3
- pandas
- requests
- argparse
pip3 install --upgrade git+
git clone
cd kev_checker
pip3 install --upgrade -e .
kev-checker <search>
can be either:
- a CVE ID in the format "CVE-YYYY-NNNNN"
- a vendor or open source project
- a product name (keyword search)
- or a date range in the format "YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD".
All input is case insensitive.
This command will retrieve and process the KEV data, and output all records that have a "cveID" field that matches "CVE-2023-21674".
kev-checker CVE-2023-21674
cveID vendorProject product dateAdded
869 CVE-2023-21674 Microsoft Windows 2023-01-10
This command will retrieve and process the KEV data, and output all records that have a "vendorProject" field that matches "Microsoft".
kev-checker openssl
cveID vendorProject product dateAdded
658 cve-2014-0160 openssl openssl 2022-05-04
This command will retrieve and process the KEV data, and output all records that have a "product" field that matches "Cisco IOS XR products".
kev-checker "IOS XR"
cveID vendorProject product
59 CVE-2020-3118 Cisco IOS XR
60 CVE-2020-3566 Cisco IOS XR
61 CVE-2020-3569 Cisco IOS XR
564 CVE-2010-3035 Cisco IOS XR
566 CVE-2009-2055 Cisco IOS XR
662 CVE-2022-20821 Cisco IOS XR
This command will retrieve and process the KEV data, and output all records that have a "dateAdded" field within the range of January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
kev-checker 2023-01-01:2023-12-31
cveID vendorProject product dateAdded
868 CVE-2022-41080 Microsoft Exchange Server 2023-01-10
869 CVE-2023-21674 Microsoft Windows 2023-01-10
870 CVE-2022-44877 CWP Control Web Panel 2023-01-17
871 CVE-2022-47966 Zoho ManageEngine 2023-01-23
872 CVE-2017-11357 Telerik User Interface (UI) for ASP.NET AJAX 2023-01-26
873 CVE-2022-21587 Oracle E-Business Suite 2023-02-02
874 CVE-2023-22952 SugarCRM Multiple Products 2023-02-02