
Pbench Dashboard Backend is a server side platform for storing and retrieving information to enable productivity within Pbench Dashboard. The platform allows for interaction between the React frontend and Postgres database by exposing a GraphQL API Server. This API server is powered by Prisma in order to enable high performance querying, a GUI client for visualizing queries, and a realtime event system for database event tracking.


├── generated
│   └── prisma-client
│       ├── index.d.ts        # typescript schema definition
│       ├── index.js          # Prisma client entrypoint
│       └── prisma-schema.js  # generated Prisma client schema
├── index.js                  # example script for writing data to the Prisma client 
├── datamodel.prisma          # schema definitions for GraphQL data model
├── prisma.yml                # configuration for Prisma client
├── package.json              # project dependencies

Server Installation

Step 1: Install Docker

Install Docker CE

  1. Install the dnf-plugins-core package which provides the commands to manage your DNF repositories from the command line.

    $ sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
  2. Use the following command to set up the stable repository.

    $ sudo dnf config-manager \
        --add-repo \
        {{ download-url-base }}/docker-ce.repo
  3. Install the latest version of Docker CE and containerd, or go to the next step to install a specific version:

    $ sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
  4. Start Docker.

    $ sudo systemctl start docker

Step 2: Start the Prisma Server

Run the following command in the root of the project.

$ docker-compose up -d

Step 3: Install the Prisma CLI

Prisma services are managed with the Prisma CLI. You can install it using npm (or yarn).

Open your terminal and run the following command to install the Prisma CLI:

npm install -g prisma
# or
# yarn global add prisma

Step 4: Deploy the Prisma datamodel

$ prisma deploy