Discomotion Slack integration

Slack App client

Build Instructions

  • Install Go 1.8.x
  • Clone this repository into: $GOPATH/src/github.com/guregodevo
  • To build, run: make
    • You may need to pull in packages: go get {package path}
  • To run tests, run: make tests
  • To create a linux build, run: make dist
  • Copy the following files to the service machine:
    • discomotionslack (the binary)
    • ${ENV}.config.yaml (the config file appropriate to the environment)

Running the service

$ ./discomotionslack --config dev.config.yaml

Run on Docker

An alternative is to run the API in an isolated environment, using docker containers.

  • Install Docker and Docker Compose
    • brew cask install docker on MacOS, and then launch the Docker application to start the docker daemon
  • Clone this repository
    • git clone https://github.com/guregodevo/discomotionslack.git
  • Start the application (and all its dependencies)
    • make run-in-docker
  • The API is exposed on the port 8080. And check the available HTTP endpoints.
  • At the end, just hit ctrl+c in the docker output to stop the containers


Dependencies are managed with Dep, and are already "vendored" (stored in the vendor dir, so that you don't need to retrieve them yourself).

We vendor our dependencies to have reproductible builds and be sure of what we have in the binary.

Adding a new dependency

  • Get Dep: go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
  • Use the new dependency in your source code (for example import github.com/pkg/errors in your .go files, and do something with it)
    • If your IDE runs goimports on save, and complains about the new pkg being unknown, go get-it before (for example go get github.com/pkg/errors for example)
  • Run dep ensure pkg@version (for example dep ensure github.com/pkg/errors@0.8.0) - the version can be a git tag or branch
    • This will update the Gopkg.toml file
    • If you ommit the version, dep will not add the new dependency to the Gopkg.toml file, only to the Gopkg.lock file (which is not what we want)
    • The Gopkg.lock file and the vendor dir should have changed too. If not, that's because you didn't use the new dependency in your source code. dep is smart enough to not add a dependency that you are not using ;-)
  • Review the changes, run the tests, and commit

Updating dependencies

If you want to update one or more dependencies:

  • Get Dep: go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
  • Edit the Gopkg.toml file to use a more recent version of the dependency
  • Run dep ensure -update
    • The Gopkg.lock file and the vendor dir should have changed
  • Review the changes, run the tests, and commit