This is a collection of Spin templates for using the WebAssembly build of Trealla Prolog.
Currently a work in progress. See here for more info about what's supported.
You'll need to install Spin first.
Then, add the templates from this repository to Spin:
spin templates install --git --update
$ spin new http-prolog
Enter a name for your new application: hello-world
Description: prolog is web scale
HTTP base: /
HTTP path: /...
$ cd hello-world; ls
spin.toml src
The Prolog program in src/
will be consulted automatically.
From here, you can use/consult other files. A couple example handlers for HTTP are included.
Here's a minimal example of an HTTP handler that returns a JSON message with the current time.
:- use_module(library(spin)).
http_handler(get("/json", _), _, _, 200) :-
% json_content({"time": Time}) works too
Write to the http_body
stream or use one of the *_content predicates to respond.
format(http_body, "Welcome, visitor #<b>~d!</b>", [N]).
is a multifile predicate, just make sure to :- use_module(library(spin))
to import it.
%% http_handler(+Spec, +Headers, +Body, -Status).
% Spec is a term representing the request method, path, and query parameters.
% For example, a GET request to /foo?id=xyz&a=123 is get("/foo", ["a"-"123","id"-"xyz"]).
% Headers are the request headers.
% Body is the request body.
% Status is the response status code.
http_handler(Spec, Headers, Body, Status) :- ... .
$ spin up
Available Routes:
my-cool-project: (wildcard)
The easiest way is to use Fermyon Cloud. Note that Fermyon Cloud doesn't support key-value stores yet, so the default visitor counter example won't work.
$ spin deploy
You can also create OCI images, and Fermyon Platform is a self-hosted platform for running Spin.
# library(spin)
# response handler
http_handler/4 (+spec,+list,+body,-integer) [multifile]
# request info
current_http_uri/1 (?string)
current_http_method/1 (?string)
current_http_body/1 (?string)
current_http_header/2 (?string,?string) # name,value
# response i/o
http_header_set/2 (+string,+string) # name,value
http_body_output/1 (-stream)
html_content/0 # sets mime header
html_content/1 (+string)
text_content/1 (+string)
prolog_content/1 (+term)
# key-value store
store_open/1 (-handle)
store_open/2 (+atom,-handle)
store_close/1 (+handle)
store_get/3 (+handle,?term,?term) # key,value
store_exists/2 (+handle,+term) # key
store_keys/2 (+handle,-list) # all keys
store_set/3 (+handle,+term,+term) # key,value
store_delete/2 (+handle,+term) # key
# outbound http
http_fetch/3 (+string,-body,+options)
- Supporting more Spin components like Redis and SQL.
- Considering stealing the HTTP library's syntax from Scryer Prolog
- Porting php (Prolog Home Page) from CGI to Spin components.
- Document the Spin-related predicates