
Handle streaming XML data with declarative, composable parsers

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Scaladoc

Streaming Parser Combinators is a Scala library for turning streams of "parser events" into strongly-typed data, for:

using handlers that are:

  • Declarative - You write what you want to get, not how to get it.
  • Immutable - Parsers that you create have no internal state.
  • Composable - Combine and transform parsers to handle complex data structures.
  • Fast - With minimal abstraction to get in the way, speed rivals any hand-written handler.
  • Streaming - Parse huge XML documents from events, not a DOM.

You can jump into a full tutorial, or check out the examples, but here's a taste of how you'd write a parser for a relatively-complex blog post XML structure:

val PostParser = (
	XMLParser.forMandatoryAttribute("date").map(commentDateFormat.parseLocalDate) and
	XMLSplitter(* \ "author").first[Author] and
	XMLSplitter(* \ "stats").first[Stats] and
	XMLSplitter(* \ "body").first.asText and
	XMLSplitter(* \ "comments" \ "comment").asListOf[Comment]

Get it!

Add the following to your build.sbt file:


libraryDependencies += "io.dylemma" %% "xml-spac" % "0.6"


libraryDependencies += "io.dylemma" %% "json-spac" % "0.6"

To integrate another format yourself

libraryDependencies += "io.dylemma" %% "spac-core" % "0.6"

Main Concepts

SPaC is about handling streams of events, possibly transforming that stream, and eventually consuming it.

  • ConsumableLike[-Resource, +In] is the typeclass used to represent a "Stream", showing how a Resource can be treated as an Iterator/Traversable of In events. Implementations are provided for String, InputStream, Reader, and File resources.
  • Transformer[-In, +In2] is a stream processing step that converts a stream of In events to a stream of In2 events.
    • XMLTransformer[+In2] is an alias for Transformer[XMLEvent, In2]
    • JsonTransformer[+In2] is an alias for Transformer[JsonEvent, In2]
  • Parser[-In, +Out] is a stream processing step that consumes a stream of In events to a single Out value.
    • XMLParser[+Out] is an alias for Parser[XMLEvent, Out]
    • JsonParser[+Out] is an alias for Parser[JsonEvent, Out]
  • Splitter[In, +Context] is a building block for Transformers and Parsers. It "splits" a stream of In events into a stream of streams of In events, where each "substream" is associated with a Context value. The idea here is that if you know how to parse a certain sequence of events, you can easily extend that knowledge to parse a repetition of that sequence of events. You can also think of Splitter as a stream-based analog to an XPath.
    • XMLSplitter is available for xml-specific splitter semantics
    • JsonSplitter is available for json-specific splitter semantics

Instances of Transformer, Parser, and Splitter are immutable, meaning they can safely be reused and shared at any time, even between multiple threads. It's common to define an implicit val fooParser: XMLParser[Foo] = /* ... */


XMLParser.forMandatoryAttribute("foo") is a parser which will find the "foo" attribute of the first element it sees.

<!-- file: elem.xml -->
<elem foo="bar" />
val xml = new File("elem.xml")
val parser: XMLParser[String] = XMLParser.forMandatoryAttribute("foo")
val result: String = parser.parse(xml)
assert(result == "bar")

Suppose you have some XML with a bunch of <elem foo="..."/> and you want the "foo" attribute from each of them. This is a job for a Splitter. You write an XMLSplitter sort of like an XPATH, to describe how to get to each element that you want to parse.

With the XML below, we want to parse the <root> element, since it represents the entire file. We'll write our splitter by using the * matcher (representing the current element), then selecting <elem> elements that are its direct children, using * \ elem.

<!-- file: root.xml -->
  <elem foo="bar" />
  <elem foo="baz" />
val xml = new File("root.xml")
val splitter: XMLSplitter[Unit] = XMLSplitter(* \ "elem")
val transformer: XMLTransformer[String] = splitter map parser

val rootParser: XMLParser[List[String]] = transformer.parseToList
val root: List[String] = rootParser.parse(xml)
assert(root == List("bar", "baz"))

Check out the docs for ContextMatcherSyntax, which defines helpers for creating the arguments to a Splitter, like the * value used above.

Under the Hood

The underlying abstraction for processing "streams" is Handler. Handler is allowed to be mutable, so that implementations can use utilities like Builder. Parser and Transformer remain immutable by acting as factories for Handler.

trait Handler[-In, +Out] {
	def isFinished: Boolean
	def handleInput(input: In): Option[Out]
	def handleError(err: Throwable): Option[Out]
	def handleEnd(): Out

While processing a "stream", the handleInput method will be called for each In event. The handler can indicate an early completion by returning Some(out), or indicate it is ready for more input by returning None.

At the end of the stream, handleEnd is used to force the handler to return an output.

When you call parser.parse(source), the source is opened by an implicit ConsumableLike, which then feeds events from the opened source into a fresh Handler until the handler indicates an early return, or the stream reaches its end, at which point the source is closed.

trait ConsumableLike[-S, +In]{
    def getIterator(resource: S): Iterator[In] with AutoCloseable
	def apply[Out](source: S, handler: Handler[In, Out]): Out

The apply method asks the source (stream) to drive the handler until it produces a result Out.

There are many different ConsumableLike instances already, including generalized ones for Iterable collections and Iterators, and XML-specific ones for String, File, and InputStream. If you have a more specific "Stream" type, you can write your own ConsumableLike[StreamType, EventType].

Here's how the core classes act like handler factories:

trait Parser[-In, +Out] extends (Any => Parser[In, Out]) {
	def makeHandler(): Handler[In, Out]

trait Transformer[-In, +In2] extends (Any => Transformer[In, In2] {
	def makeHandler[Out](downstream: Handler[In2, Out]): Handler[In, Out]