
Primary LanguageSwift


An app to standardize scale practice amd auditions


Core Features

What we did

  • Create, log in, authenticate users
  • Record, upload, and score a certain scale/key eg. C maj
  • View personal history
    • Top score
    • Average score
    • Graph of personal history showing scores over time
  • Auditions
    • Request a user to complete an audition of a certain scale
    • See all pending auditions for which you are the auditioner or auditionee
    • Complete an audition as requested
    • See the score of completed auditions
  • View a leaderboard of top scores and the user and scale associated with them

Extended Features

What we would do with more time (see enhancement issue tag for more details)

  • Create groups of users
  • Add instrument recognition
  • Add more types of scales (chromatic, pentatonic, etc.)
  • Score a full piece of music

Build Instructions

Current Build

  1. Clone the project
  2. Open the XCode project - /frontend/Scalez/Scalez/ - in XCode and build for an iOS 12 iPhone Simulator
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions
__NOTE:__ This build is connected to our Heroku deployment. If you'd like to implement your own backend, change the host used by the login and create account pages. Likewise, if you'd like to build your own frontend, you can use our API found at `/API/Scalez.postman_collection.json`, and host here

How to build locally

  1. Set up a database of SQLite or Postgres
  2. With the Database set up, go into command line and set the DATABASE_URL enviornment variable to match your newly created database
  3. From the root folder run python db_create.py this will generate the tables in the database
  4. Set the FLASK_APP enviornment variable to server.py
  5. Make sure that all the requirements that are found in requirments.txt are installed
  6. Finally enter flask run in the command line, this should start the server