
Save Microsoft Stream videos for offline enjoyment.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CI build status


(Alternative artwork proposals are welcome! Submit one through an Issue.)

Saves Microsoft Stream videos for offline enjoyment

v2.1 Release, codename Hammer of DawnTM

This release would not have been possible without the code and time contributed by two distinguished developers: @lukaarma and @kylon. Thank you!

Specialized vesions

What's new

  • Major code refactoring (all credits to @lukaarma)
  • Destreamer is now able to refresh the session's access token. Use this with -k (keep cookies) and tick "Remember Me" on login.
  • We added support for closed captions (see --closedCaptions below)


Hopefully this doesn't break the end user agreement for Microsoft Stream. Since we're simply saving the HLS stream to disk as if we were a browser, this does not abuse the streaming endpoints. However i take no responsibility if either Microsoft or your Office 365 admins request a chat with you in a small white room.


  • Node.js: You'll need Node.js version 8.0 or higher. A GitHub Action runs tests on all major Node versions on every commit. One caveat for Node 8, if you get a Parse Error with code: HPE_HEADER_OVERFLOW you're out of luck and you'll need to upgrade to Node 10+.
  • npm: usually comes with Node.js, type npm in your terminal to check for its presence
  • ffmpeg: a recent version (year 2019 or above), in $PATH or in the same directory as this README file (project root).
  • git: one or more npm dependencies require git.

Destreamer takes a honeybadger approach towards the OS it's running on. We've successfully tested it on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Limits and limitations

Make sure you use the right script (.sh, .ps1 or .cmd) and escape char (if using line breaks) for your shell. PowerShell uses a backtick [ ` ] and cmd.exe uses a caret [ ^ ].

Note that destreamer won't run in an elevated (Administrator/root) shell. Running inside Cygwin/MinGW/MSYS may also fail, please use cmd.exe or PowerShell if you're on Windows.

WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is not supported as it can't easily pop up a browser window. It may work by installing an X Window server (like Xming) and exporting the default display to it (export DISPLAY=:0) before running destreamer. See this issue for more on WSL v1 and v2.

How to build

To build destreamer clone this repository, install dependencies and run the build script -

$ git clone https://github.com/snobu/destreamer
$ cd destreamer
$ npm install
$ npm run build


$ ./destreamer.sh

  --help                  Show help                                                                            [boolean]
  --version               Show version number                                                                  [boolean]
  --username, -u          The username used to log into Microsoft Stream (enabling this will fill in the email field for
                          you)                                                                                  [string]
  --videoUrls, -i         List of video urls                                                                     [array]
  --inputFile, -f         Path to text file containing URLs and optionally outDirs. See the README for more on outDirs.
  --outputDirectory, -o   The directory where destreamer will save your downloads           [string] [default: "videos"]
  --keepLoginCookies, -k  Let Chromium cache identity provider cookies so you can use "Remember me" during login
                                                                                              [boolean] [default: false]
  --noExperiments, -x     Do not attempt to render video thumbnails in the console            [boolean] [default: false]
  --simulate, -s          Disable video download and print metadata information to the console[boolean] [default: false]
  --verbose, -v           Print additional information to the console (use this before opening an issue on GitHub)
                                                                                              [boolean] [default: false]
  --closedCaptions, --cc  Check if closed captions are aviable and let the user choose which one to download (will not
                          ask if only one aviable)                                            [boolean] [default: false]
  --noCleanup, --nc       Do not delete the downloaded video file when an FFmpeg error occurs [boolean] [default: false]
  --vcodec                Re-encode video track. Specify FFmpeg codec (e.g. libx265) or set to "none" to disable video.
                                                                                              [string] [default: "copy"]
  --acodec                Re-encode audio track. Specify FFmpeg codec (e.g. libopus) or set to "none" to disable audio.
                                                                                              [string] [default: "copy"]
  --format                Output container format (mkv, mp4, mov, anything that FFmpeg supports)
                                                                                               [string] [default: "mkv"]
  --skip                  Skip download if file already exists                                [boolean] [default: false]
  • Passing --username is optional. It's there to make logging in faster (the username field will be populated automatically on the login form).

  • You can use an absolute path for -o (output directory), for example /mnt/videos.

  • We default to .mkv for the output container. If you prefer something else (like mp4), pass --format mp4.

Download a video -

$ ./destreamer.sh -i "https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/VIDEO-1"

Download a video and re-encode with HEVC (libx265) -

$ ./destreamer.sh -i "https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/VIDEO-1" --vcodec libx265

Download a video and speed up the interactive login by automagically filling in the username -

$ ./destreamer.sh -u user@example.com -i "https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/VIDEO-1"

Download a video to a custom path -

$ ./destreamer.sh -i "https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/VIDEO-1" -o /Users/hacker/Downloads

Download two or more videos -

$ ./destreamer.sh -i "https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/VIDEO-1" \

Download many videos but read URLs from a file -

$ ./destreamer.sh -f list.txt

Input file

You can create a .txt file containing your video URLs, one video per line. The text file can have any name, followed by the .txt extension. Additionally you can have destreamer download each video in the input list to a separate directory. These optional lines must start with white space(s).

Usage -


Expected output

Windows Terminal -


iTerm2 on a Mac -


By default, downloads are saved under videos/ unless specified by -o (output directory).


Contributions are welcome. Open an issue first before sending in a pull request. All pull requests require at least one code review before they are merged to master.

Found a bug?

Please open an issue and we'll look into it.