
Primary LanguageTeX

The students are encouraged to download from the following softwares, suitable for the operating system.

LaTeX Distribution

It is a set of typesetting system which includes many packages to be used by the user. The LaTeX distribution has different names for different operating systems (Linux: TeX Live (cross-platform), Mac OS X: MacTeX and Windows: proTeXt/MikTeX).

Choosing your copy

  • If you’re new to TeX and LaTeX or just want an easy installation, get a full TeX distribution.

Following are some pointers to TeX distributions recommended.


: It is an easy way to get up and running with LaTeX. It provides a ready-to-run TeXsystem for most types of Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows, and includes all major TeX-related programs. It also includes a complete tree of fonts and macros, with support for many languages.


: TeXLive is sufficient.

Mac OS

: MacTeX is a LaTeX distribution for MacOS X. It is TeXLive with the addition of a native Mac installer and some Mac-specific programs.

Microsoft Windows

: proTeXt is a LaTeX distribution for Microsoft Windows. It is based on MiKTeX. proTeXt guides the MiKTeX installation via a short PDF document. It also adds a few tools on top of MiKTeX

TeXstudio: LaTeX Editor

The sessions for LaTeX will be conducted with the use a LaTeX Editor, which is available for all operating systems and is Open-source i.e. TeXstudio.

JabRef: A Reference Manager

Reference management software is an application used by researchers andmauthors to store, utilise bibliographic database. It is better to use reference management software, which provides a convenient graphical interface such JabRef.


Installing Java

Go to the Sun Java download page, download the “jre” version for your operating system and install it.

On Linux powered systems

In case of Ubuntu, you can install JabRef by typing following command:

sudo apt-get install jabref 

If this is not the case for your distro, you need to download the file JabRef-X.X.jar (where X.X is the JabRef version you want) from http://www.jabref.org/#downloads . To run it, open a terminal and type:

java -jar $DIR/JabRef-X.X.jar

where $DIR is the directory where you placed the jar file, and JabRef-X.X.jar is the name of the jar file.

On computers with Microsoft Windows OS

The simplest way of installing JabRef on Microsoft Windows is by downloading the .exe installer. Simply run the installer, and it will install JabRef

On Mac Computers

For Mac users, OSX zip file available from http://www.jabref.org/#downloads .