- frontend: https://github.com/thekinv21/rezztoran-frontend/tree/thekinv21/WebFinal
- admin panel: https://github.com/alperenkapusuz/rezztoran-admin-panel
Rezztoran-be, is a backend restaurant reservation (booking) system that allows restaurants to manage their reservations efficiently. The system enables customers to reserve tables online, while restaurant owners can manage reservations, availability, and guest preferences
This project is built using a modern tech stack that includes RESTful, Java, Spring Boot , Docker, MySQL, Localstack S3, Kafka and Mail Sender. Each technology is chosen to fulfill a specific purpose in the project.
- Dockerized the project.
- Implemented a reservation system.
- Authentication using JWT.
- Added the review feature.
- Added the favorite restaurant feature.
- Implemented AWS S3 LocalStack for image uploading.
- Implemented custom exception handling and internationalization.
- Implemented a password reset mechanism via mail otp code.
- Added an email sending mechanism using Kafka.
- Added advanced comprehensive pagination, sorting, and filtering.
- Implemented a QR code generation system.
- Sent a reminder email 3 hours before booking.
- Sent an email to the user if a restaurant cancels booking.
- Added an authorization checker aspect.
- Implemented token invalidation after change password.
- Rate Limiting.
- Caching.
docker-compose up -d --build