
This is my exercise based on the tutorials by Code With Stein Channel on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN3EfKC2i6M&list=PLpyspNLjzwBkeyP_4_bZBdtRjZQreDR_H&index=2

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is my exercise based on the tutorials by Code With Stein Channel on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN3EfKC2i6M&list=PLpyspNLjzwBkeyP_4_bZBdtRjZQreDR_H&index=2

Github repository: https://github.com/gurnitha/2022-django-multi-vendor-ytb-codewithstein

1. Create django project and apps

    │   ├───core
    │   │   ├───migrations
    │   │   │   └───__pycache__
    │   │   └───__pycache__
    │   ├───product
    │   │   ├───migrations
    │   │   │   └───__pycache__
    │   │   └───__pycache__
    │   └───vendor
    │       ├───migrations
    │       │   └───__pycache__
    │       └───__pycache__

    modified:   README.md

2. Create static pages: frontpage and contact in core app

    modified:   README.md
    new file:   apps/core/templates/core/base.html
    new file:   apps/core/templates/core/contact.html
    new file:   apps/core/templates/core/frontpage.html
    new file:   apps/core/urls.py
    modified:   apps/core/views.py
    modified:   config/urls.py

3. Create static pages: product, category and search in product app

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/core/templates/core/base.html
    modified:   apps/core/templates/core/frontpage.html
    new file:   apps/product/templates/product/category.html
    new file:   apps/product/templates/product/product.html
    new file:   apps/product/templates/product/search.html
    new file:   apps/product/urls.py
    modified:   apps/product/views.py
    modified:   config/urls.py

4. Create static pages: add_product, become_vendor, login, vendor_admin pages

    modified:   apps/core/templates/core/base.html
    new file:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/add_product.html
    new file:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/become_vendor.html
    new file:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/login.html
    new file:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/vendor_admin.html
    new file:   apps/vendor/urls.py
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py
    modified:   config/urls.py

5. Add and load static and media files

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/product/templates/product/product.html
    modified:   config/settings.py
    modified:   config/urls.py
    new file:   static/css/main.css
    new file:   static/img/img-large.jpeg
    new file:   static/img/img.jpeg
    new file:   static/js/main.js


6.1 Create Vendor model, create and apply migration


    1. Create model
    2. Create migration
    3. Apply migration
    4. Register model to admin

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/vendor/admin.py
    new file:   apps/vendor/migrations/0001_initial.py
    modified:   apps/vendor/models.py

6.2 Add logic to become_vendor method and Use UserCreationForm to create a new user


    1. In vendor/views.py:
       - import UserCreationForm
       - import redirect
    2. In vendor/views.py (become_vendor)
       - load UserCreationForm
       - add logic to create a user
    3. Load the form to become_vendor page
    4. Test it out :)

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/become_vendor.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py

6.3 Showing the authenticated user with restriction


    1. Import login_required
    2. Create instance of the user (vendor)
    3. Use is_authenticated method to show link
       to authenticated user
    4. Test it out :)

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/core/templates/core/base.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/vendor_admin.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py

6.4 Logout user


    1. In vendor/urls.py: Import auth_views
    2. Use it to create path to logout
    3. Add link to vendor_admin to logout
    4. Test it out :)

    NOTE: After logging out, it return to admin panel page

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/vendor_admin.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/urls.py  

6.5 Darurat (It does not work. Has to back to 6.4)

    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/login.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/urls.py
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py
    modified:   config/settings.py

6.6 Making vendor to login and logout using django.contrib.auth

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/become_vendor.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/urls.py
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py
    modified:   config/settings.py


7.1 Create Category and Product models

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/product/admin.py
    new file:   apps/product/migrations/0001_initial.py
    modified:   apps/product/models.py

7.2 Show list of products in admin area

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/vendor_admin.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py

7.3 Make it possible for vendors to add products

    modified:   README.md
    new file:   apps/vendor/forms.py
    modified:   apps/vendor/templates/vendor/add_product.html
    modified:   apps/vendor/views.py
    new file:   media/uploads/img-large.jpeg
    new file:   media/uploads/img-large_uQsXPIi.jpeg

7.4 Show newest product on the frontpage

    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/core/templates/core/frontpage.html
    modified:   apps/core/views.py
    new file:   media/uploads/uploads/img-large_uQsXPIi.jpeg
    modified:   static/css/main.css

7.5 (Darurat, doest now work) Show detail view of a product

    NOTE: It shows error, I could not fix it

    NoReverseMatch at /
    Reverse for 'product' with arguments '('', '')' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['(?P<category_slug>[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/(?P<product_slug>[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/$']
    modified:   README.md
    modified:   apps/core/templates/core/frontpage.html
    modified:   apps/product/templates/product/product.html
    modified:   apps/product/urls.py
    modified:   apps/product/views.py