
Template repo for CGDS repos. Visit the webpage below for usage instructions.


CGDS Repository Template [:pencil2: Edit this title]

Perform linting - Markdown

✏️ Add description of the project here.


✏️ What are the requirements to install and run the project.

How to install

✏️ Add installation instructions here.

How to run

✏️ Add run instructions here. This includes necessary configurations as well as the commands used.

Repo's directory structure

The directory structure below shows the nature of files/directories used in this repo.

$ tree -a cgds_repo_template/
├── CHANGELOG.md      <- Log of changes made
├── CONTRIBUTING.md   <- Contribution guidelines
├── LICENSE.md        <- License for the repo
├── README.md
├── .gitignore        <- Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore by git
├── .editorconfig     <- Helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple users working on the same project across
│                        various editors and IDEs. See https://editorconfig.org/ for more info
├── .markdownlint.json  <- Markdown linting config
├── .pylintrc         <- Python linting config
├── configs           <- Dir to store config files. Conda env, requirements.txt, etc.
├── data              <- Dir structure from http://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science. Please give it a read.
│   ├── external      <- Data from third party sources
│   ├── interim       <- Intermediate data that has been transformed
│   ├── processed     <- The final, canonical datasets and results
│   └── raw           <- The original, immutable data dump
├── docs              <- Dir to store documentation.
├── notebooks         <- Dir to store Jupyter, R Markdown notebooks, etc.
├── src               <- Dir to store source code for use in this project
├── .github
│   ├── ISSUE_TEMPLATE            <- Github issue templates
│   │   ├── bug_report.md
│   │   └── feature_request.md
│   ├── PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE     <- Github PR templates
│   │   └── pull_request_template.md
│   └── workflows                 <- Github actions workflows for automated processes (eg. linting, etc)
│       └── linting.yml
├── .test             <- Dir to store test datasets
│   └── README.md
└── logs              <- Dir to store log files


We welcome contributions! See the docs for guidelines.