
Auto generated swig python module with a binary compnent

Primary LanguageC++


Please refer to :http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Python_ESL

This is a python package to distribute the ESL.py module generated by FreeSWITCH. It's an auto-generated swig module and has a binary component. The idea is to make it easy to use the module on different boxes without having to download freeswitch. Therequired source and header files to generate _ESL.so are included.


Use the 'Git' support for pip as described here:

http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/requirements.html#git 1)Add this to your requirements.txt git+git://github.com:gurteshwar/freeswitch-esl-python.git

2)Run pip install -r requrements.txt


1)git clone http://git@github.com/gurteshwar/freeswitch-esl-python 2)cd freeswitch-esl-python 3)python setup.py install

USAGE : Read http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Esl

UPDATES: This is a frozen release right now. The ideal thing to do would be to have a nightly build of FreeSWITCH and update this as and when changes in FreeSWITCH occur.

NOTE: I've tested this on my local dev box and on Heroku, it works for me!