Library Management System (LMS)

This is a console-based Library Management System (LMS) implemented in C++. The LMS allows users to perform various operations related to library management, such as adding books, deleting books, editing book information, searching for books, and viewing all books in the library.


  • Add Book: Users can add books to the library, including information such as ISBN, title, author, edition, and publication.
  • Delete Book: Books can be deleted from the library by providing the ISBN.
  • Edit Book: Users can edit the information of existing books in the library.
  • Search Book: Allows users to search for books by ISBN and view their details.
  • View All Books: Provides a list of all books currently in the library.
  • Quit: Exits the program.

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have a C++ compiler installed on your system.

  2. Clone or Download: Clone this repository or download the source code.

  3. Compile: Compile the main.cpp file using your C++ compiler.

    g++ main.cpp -o library_management_system


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve this LMS or add new features, please open an issue or create a pull request with your changes.


This LMS is a simple educational project and may require further enhancements for production use. It serves as a starting point for learning about C++ programming and console-based applications.