
Aheadless, yet interactive browser for the cli

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Willbrowser . headless yet interactive browser

based on playwright and chromium (headless)


  • allow browsing the web just like with a GUI browser and screen reader
  • yes, the interaction is very much based on how one operates a browser when using a screen reader
    • eventually add much of the testing / inspection capabilities that chrome dev-tools would offer in a GUI browser

Current State

  • proof of concept with a vorpal based (repl style) interface: you enter a command, hit enter, and get the results
  • can navigate to an URL, output the accessibility tree, and even click on links, buttons, and type into text boxes

Tech Stack

  • at its core, this is a TUI wrapper for the playwright browser automation framkework
  • uses chromium for now, but could likely also use firefox or webkit browsers if the installation of playwright offers these
  • can be started / run from within a docker container, to limit the dependancy pollution of the host machine


requires nodeJS (v14+) to be installed

# install deps
npm install
# start
node index.js
# start for URL
node index.js https://duckduckgo.com


# at the will> promt, type commands:
will> goto https://duckduckgo.com

Roadmap / TODO

  • switch to vim style modal approach with key bindings that are familiar to a vim user
    • update the accessibility tree with user interactions like click etc.
    • take care of all the dialog, alert, selection etc. stuff
    • persist user settings, cookies, localStorage etc. like a normal browser would (need to figure out how tell playwright to do this)