
Django RESTful SPA based on Vue.js and uses JWT

Primary LanguagePython

Django RESTful SPA based on Vue.js and uses JWT

The project demonstrates the classic TODO list single-page application (SPA).

Front-end side based on the progressive JavaScript framework named Vue.js.

The authentication method implements JSON Web-Token (JWT) by default. Project has custom User model which combined with basic authentication.

Please visit the production version here https://alex-djangovue.herokuapp.com which was deployed on Heroku.

test username: django@django.dev

test password: 12345678

alt text

In order to run project to follow next steps:

  1. Clone project and install virtual environment inside root directory:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Then execute Django commands:

    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
  3. Build client SPA:

    npm install --prefix ./project/spa/static/spa
    npm run build --prefix ./project/spa/static/spa
    python manage.py collectstatic --noinput --link
  4. Fill database a seed data (edit load_data.cfg for setting up custom values):

    python manage.py load_data

Output >>

Cleaning database...
Got number_of_users: 5
Got max_projects_per_user: 5
Got max_tasks_per_user: 5
Got max_likes_per_user: 5
Done. Created 5 users, 25 projects, 125 tasks.

Run application by python manage.py runserver

Also, for using the email verifier add EMAIL_VERIFIER_API_KEY variable to local environment.