
Can be used to generate images of code

Primary LanguagePython

Pango Syntax Highlighter

This is an incredibly basic tool for Python 3.x for use when creating images of code, e.g., for slides with code snippets in. It takes a given file and using Pygments it converts it into a syntax highlighted Pango compatible output, which can in turn be converted to an image with Pango.


usage: pangosyntaxhighlight.py [-h] [--language LANGUAGE] [--list-languages] [--style STYLE] [--list-styles] inputfile outputfile

Syntax highlight code in Pango format using Pygments

positional arguments:
  inputfile            the input file
  outputfile           the output file

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --language LANGUAGE  the syntax language of the input file (otherwise auto-detected/auto)
  --list-languages     list available languages (lexers)
  --style STYLE        highlighting style, e.g., vs
  --list-styles        list available styles


To convert myfile.cpp to the image myfile.png:

python3 pangosyntaxhighlight.py myfile.cpp output.txt && pango-view --markup --font=mono -qo myfile.png output.txt

Specifying a specific programming language for a generic .txt file:

python3 pangosyntaxhighlight.py code.txt output.txt --language cpp && pango-view --markup --font=mono -qo code.png output.txt

Run with --list-languages to get a list of supported languages/lexers by short names (e.g., cpp, python, etc.). Additional short names may also work, see the available lexers list for the complete list. For example, --list-languages lists delphi, not pascal, but the latter will work.

Specifying the vs highlighting style:

python3 pangosyntaxhighlight.py myfile.cpp output.txt --style vs && pango-view --markup --font=mono -qo myfile.png output.txt

Run with --list-styles to get a list of styles supported by your system. Style previews are available here.

To change the resolution of generated images use the --dpi flag for pango-view:

python3 pangosyntaxhighlight.py myfile.cpp output.txt && pango-view --markup --font=mono --dpi=120 -qo myfile.png output.txt


python, pygments, pango