
simple openvpn client image - FROM debian:wheezy

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simple openvpn client image - FROM debian:wheezy


  • Quick Start
    mkdir -pv ovpn
    cp -av /some/place/client.ovpn ovpn/client.ovpn

The provided script will

  • back up /etc/resolv.conf
  • mount your ovpn file inside the container
  • mount the host's /etc/resolv.conf as /etc/resolv.conf inside the container
  • start openvpn
  • connect to your vpn
  • restore /etc/resolv.conf on exit - this requires sudo privs

If your vpn configuration modifies resolv.conf, your host will enjoy this benefit



for usage instructions for systemd or commandline docker operation

In short, -v host bindmount a .ovpn to /etc/openvpn/client.ovpn or -v bindmount a dir to /etc/openvpn and you're in business

    -v $(pwd)/ovpn:/etc/openvpn

If you would like the VPN to update the hosts resolv.conf

   -v /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf

startup command inside the container will start openpn with your config