
Connect to Gnip streaming API and manage rules

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NodeJS Gnip module

Connect to Gnip streaming API and manage rules. You must have a Gnip account with any data source available, like Twitter Power Track.

Currenly, this module only supports JSON activity stream format, so you must enable data normalization in your admin panel.


This class is an EventEmitter and allows you to connect to the stream and start receiving data.

API methods


Connect to the stream and start receiving data. At this point you should have registered at least one event listener for any of these events: 'data', 'object' or 'tweet'.


Terminates the connection.



Emitted when the connection has been successfully established


Emitted for each data chunk (decompressed)


Emitted when any type of error occurs. An error is raised if the response status code is not 20x. {error: String} objects are also checked here.


Emitted for each JSON object.


Emitted for each tweet.


Emitted for each deleted tweet.


Emitted when the connection is terminated. This event is always emitted when an error occurs and the connection is closed.


This class allows you to manage an unlimited number of tracking rules.

API methods

rules.getAll(Function callback)

Get cached rules.

rules.update(Array rules, Function callback)

Creates or replaces the live tracking rules.
Rules are sent in batches of 5000 (API limit), so you can pass an unlimited number of rules.
The current tracking rules are stored in a local JSON file so you can update the existing rules efficiently without having to remove them all. The callback receives an object as the 2nd argument and contains the number of added and deleted rules.

rules.clearCache(Function callback)

Clears cached rules.

The following methods uses Gnip API directly and ignores the local cache. Avoid usage if you are working with too many rules!

rules.live.update(Array rules, Function callback)

rules.live.add(Array rules, Function callback)

rules.live.remove(Array rules, Function callback)

rules.live.getAll(Function callback)

rules.live.removeAll(Function callback)


npm install gnip

Example Usage

var Gnip = require('gnip');

var stream = new Gnip.Stream({
	url : 'https://stream.gnip.com:443/accounts/xxx/publishers/twitter/streams/track/prod.json',
	user : 'xxx',
	password : 'xxx'
stream.on('ready', function() {
	console.log('Stream ready!');
stream.on('tweet', function(tweet) {
stream.on('error', function(err) {

var rules = new Gnip.Rules({
	url : 'https://api.gnip.com:443/accounts/xxx/publishers/twitter/streams/track/prod/rules.json',
	user : 'xxx',
	password : 'xxx'

var newRules = [
	{value: 'keyword as object'},
	{value: '@demianr85', tag: 'rule tag'}

rules.update(newRules, function(err) {
	if (err) throw err;

More details and tests soon...