
Primary LanguageGo

Happy birthday application

An API Based application that stores and prints the User's birthday. This project runs a containerized Golang Application with the Gin Web Framework.

How it works

It receives PUT and GET HTTP requests at the /hello/<username> endpoint path.

In order to create a new user, make a PUT request to the mentioned endpoint, with a non-existing username containing a json body with the date of birth e.g:

curl http://localhost:8080/hello/gusampaio --include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"  \
--request "PUT" \
--data '{"date_of_birth": "1997-02-18"}'

To check an existing user, make a GET request to the mentioned endpoint, with a existing username. It will print how many days until his birthday e.g:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello/gusampaio
    "message": "Hello gusampaio! Your Bithday is in 130 days"

You can run the application on your local computer by running make run. It will build and run the app with docker compose, that will also spin up a postgres database.


Before storing a new user into the database, the application validates:

  • If the username already exists into the DB
  • If the username only contain letters
  • If the date of Birth is in the correct format YYYY-MM-DD
  • If the day of birth is not greater than today


You can deploy it on k8s by running make deploy. This will:

  • Test the application
  • Build the docker image
  • Push it to Docker Hub
  • Deploy it on kubernetes with Helm, creating the following resources:
    • A Deployment to run the application
    • A Service to expose the application to the k8s cluster
    • An Ingress to define the redirection rules in order to receive the http requests

Cloud diagram

Cloud diagram

Cheat Sheet

# Run locally with docker compose
# This command spins up two docker containers
# a postgres db and the application
$ make run

# Test your applicaiton locally
$ make test 

# Test, Build and Push your image to the Docker Hub
$ make push

# Test, Build and Push  your docker image to Docker hub and Deploy your k8s resopurces into the cluster
$ make deploy

# Create new user
$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello/<username> --include \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  --request "PUT" \ 
  --data '{"date_of_birth": "YYYY-MM-DD"}'`

# Check existing user and how long for its birthday
$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello/<username>


  • Uppdate the variable DOCKER_REPO inside the Makefile to point to your own Docker registry
  • Docker installed in your local machine
  • kubectl installed in your local machine
    • kubectl should be already configured and pointing to the correct cluster
  • helm Installed on your local machine
  • go Installed on your local machine

In order to deploy this application on AWS is expected that you have: