
Sweet, sugary goodness for looping and sampling with the Web Audio API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

blip is a lightweight JavaScript library that wraps the Web Audio API, abstracting away the AudioContext, and simplifying node creation and audio routing. It also provides some extremely powerful and flexible methods for looping and manipulating samples that allow for both temporal precision and musical expressiveness.

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Getting Started

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Loading Samples

The loadSamples method takes a map of names to URLs, and returns a promise that resolves once all samples have been downloaded and turned into AudioBuffers

  'kick': 'path/to/your/kick_sound.wav',
  'snare': 'path/to/your/snare_sound.wav',
  'kazoo': 'path/to/your/kazoo_sound.wav'

function loaded() {
  // now your samples are available
  blip.sampleLibrary.get('snare') // is an AudioBuffer

While the sample library gives you direct access to the AudioBuffer, the easiest way to use your loaded samples is to create clips.

Creating Clips

A clip is a wrapper for a sample, which handles creating and wiring up a BufferSource each time the sound is played.

Create a clip by calling blip.clip()

Then you can assign it one of your loaded samples by calling sample

var kick = blip.clip().sample('kick');

// play the clip immediately

// play the clip again in 5 seconds


Blip enables you to create precise loops for playing samples, controlling audio parameters, or just about anything else you can think of by letting you deal directly with time, and providing a simple and elegant scheduling mechanism.

A loop simply provides markers for points in time, to which you can bind arbitrary data, and schedule audio playback.

These examples assume the variable clip is a blip clip.

Basic Looping

A loop generates "ticks" at a specific tempo, and allows you to schedule events based on the time of each tick.

var monotonous = blip.loop()
  .tick(function(t) {


Better Looping

Loops can take an array of arbitrary data to loop over, and the current datum is passed as the second argument to the tick callback.

var rhythmic = blip.loop()
  .tick(function(t,d) {
    if (d) {


Awesome Looping

The data passed in can represent anything you want it to. In this case it is being used to set the playback rate of the clip.

var melodic = blip.loop()
  .tick(function(t,d) {
    clip.play(t, function(source) {
      source.playbackRate.value = d;


Add some randomness

Blip provides helper functions to add elements of randomness and chance to your compositions.

This loop has a 1/3 chance to play a clip on each tick, and assigns it a random rate between 0.2 and 1.4

var entropic = blip.loop()
  .tick(function(t) {
    if (blip.chance(1/3)) clip.play(t, function(source) {
      source.playbackRate.value = blip.random(0.2, 1.4);


Visit the site for more examples.