
Code challenge for Mashgin, using NX, Nest, Next, TW and Shadcn UI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mashgin Take Home - Gustavo

This project is using NX, NestJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS, ShadcnUI and more. What you need to have on your machine:

  • NodeJS 18+
  • Docker
  • PNPM installed as global package

Instructions to run

You will need three terminals

  1. To install and run the database
  2. To run the migrations and then run the services
  3. To run the web app

Terminal 1: Install the dependencies

pnpm install

After installing, make sure to turn on your docker client.

Terminal 1: Up the database

pnpm database:up

Terminal 2: Migrate and seed the database

pnpm database:migrate # only necessary on the first time

Terminal 2 and 3: Run the applications

pnpm serve:services # terminal 2
pnpm serve:app # terminal 3

You will see the services running on http://localhost:3000. You will see the web app running on http://localhost:4200.


I didn't have time to cover all the places, but I created a few tests, you can run by running the following.

pnpm test:app


There is a postman collection, so you may import and test the endpoints not using only the UI.

Task progress

You can check all my tasks and progress on this Notion page: https://guscsales.notion.site/Mashgin-Take-Home-Tasks-554cb5eece03484c944bec55cf15a1a4?pvs=4