
Sensor classifier based on test results. The SensorEvaluator project is the code that classifies Devices. SensorConsoleTester is a console app I created to test my library with the provided input in the prompt.


A couple of things I would've done given more time.

  • I would've like to remove the classification from the Devices themselves.
    • Create a generic classification service to classify a particular device and change the parameters that define the classification types. I figure these parameters/threshold would change once in a while or different testers would have different thresholds
  • Unit tests
  • Add validation. Currently, the library assumes the log file string format is valid for all items
  • Error handling and monitoring
  • All of the readings are handled as decimals, CO readings are integers
    • I could spent more time thinking about how this would affect precision
  • Better system for determining classification i.e. no hardcoded values

Running SensorConsoleTester

VSCode and Visual Studio handle relative files differently. See Program.cs to change path depending on where the code is run