This solution is built on top of .NET Core. The .NET Core is a cross-platform framework. It can be run not only on Windows, but also on Linux and MacOS.

Install .NET Core on Linux or Mac

Please visit this page:

Please choose your MacOS or Linux distribution, then follow the instructions.

Build the Source Code

  1. Go to ~/ParkingLot/ folder
  2. Run CLI dotnet restore
  3. Run CLI dotnet build

Run the program

  1. Go to ~/ParkingLot/ParkingLot.ConsoleApp
  2. Run CLI dotnet run
  3. Type parking_lot or parking_lot filename.txt. In case of opening a file, it needs to be placed in the same folder with the Console App.

Run the unit test project

  1. Go to any folder having name pattern *.Tests, e.g., ~/ParkingLot/ParkingLot.ApplicationService.Tests
  2. Run CLI dotnet test

Source Code Patterns and Structure

The structure follow Domain Driven Design principle. It placed the Domain as a core dependency. The Domain is wrapped inside the Application Service. All interaction to the infrastructure, e.g., Console or File, is maintained in the Infrasturcture project. Through interface segragetation (the interfaces are placed in the Domain), the Application Service can be aware of it, but not having a direct dependency to it. It can be then injected by a Dependency Resolver library.

  • ParkingLot.ApplicationService\:
    • Has dependency to Domain
    • Command and Factory pattern artifacts.
    • Command-Query Segregation artifacts.
      • Command: Methods to mutate the domain state
      • Query: Methods to retrieve the domain state
  • ParkingLot.ApplicationService.Tests\:
    • Test project for ParkingLot.ApplicationService
  • ParkingLot.ConsoleApp\:
    • Has dependency to Application Service and Infrastructure
    • Starting point to run the Command program.
    • Implements dependency injection for Application Service through the constructor.
  • ParkingLot.Domain\:
    • Domain is a core. It must not have any dependencies to other projects
    • Domain Models, e.g., Car, CarSlotManager, etc.
    • Core Utils Models, e.g., IScreenWriter, IFileReader
  • ParkingLot.Domain.Tests\:
    • Test project for ParkingLot.Domain
  • ParkingLot.Infrastructure\:
    • Has dependency to Infrastucture
    • Implementation that is tightly-coupled to infrastuctore, like Console and File