
How to debug ES6 in Webstorm (using gulp)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Debugging ES6 in WebStorm

Just a short reminder for myself how to get debugging to work in WebStorm with ES6. If it helps also you, then great! ;-)

Folder structure being used:

|-- src
   |-- index.js
   |-- sample.js

Content of .babelrc:

 "presets": ["es2015"]

The setup described below uses gulp 3.x to transpile ES6 files to ES5, including source-maps, which can then be used in WebStorm to debug ES6.

Note: As soon as gulp 4.0 is out, some changes are necessary, gulp 4.0 introduces some breaking changes.


Install the required modules as devDependencies:

  • babel-core
  • babel-preset-es2015
  • gulp
  • gulp-babel
  • gulp-sourcemaps
$ npm install babel-core babel-preset-es2015 gulp gulp-babel gulp-sourcemaps --save-dev

Note: babel-core and gulp can and probably should be installed globally.

Setup gulp to work with ES6

  • Instead of naming your gulp file gulpfile.js rename it to gulpfile.babel.js
  • Use the following gulp-script:
import gulp from "gulp";
import sourceMaps from "gulp-sourcemaps";
import babel from "gulp-babel";
import path from "path";

const paths = {
	es6: ['./src/**/*.js'],
	es5: './dist',
	// Must be absolute or relative to source map
	sourceRoot: path.join(__dirname, 'src')
gulp.task('babel', () => {
	return gulp.src(paths.es6)
				presets: ['es2015']
			.pipe(sourceMaps.write('.', { sourceRoot: paths.sourceRoot }))
gulp.task('watch', ['babel'], () => {
	gulp.watch(paths.es6, ['babel']);

gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

Running gulp will now create a folder dist with the transpiled scripts + sourcemaps in it.

Inspirations for this script:

Setup your project

Just as a simple example let's add the following files into ./src:


export class Sample  {
	constructor() {
		this.prop1 = "prop1";
		this.prop2 = "prop2";


import {Sample} from './sample';
let sample = new Sample();
console.log( sample.prop1 );
console.log( sample.prop2 );

Now run


Whenever you make changes, four file will be generated in the ./dist folder:

Debug in WebStorm

So, now let's have a look how to debug in WebStorm (version 11 is used here):

Set a breakpoint:

  • Go to the ./dist folder and create the desired breakpoint:

Start the debugger in WebStorm, by right-clicking on dist/index.js (not src/index.js !!!).

You will then get:

So, not really nice, probably a WebStorm bug. But if you hit F8 (Step Over ) you will then get

We are done, happy debugging in WebStorm! You can now set breakpoints in every of the files in the ./src/ folder (containing in this example the es6 files) and they will be hit.

Mocha setup

Configure the

Most important setting is the "Extra Mocha options" with --compilers js:babel-core/register

Further readings