
API for Social Media Downloader. (Youtube Downloader, Youtube Playlist Downloader, Instagram Downloader, TikTok Downloader, Soundcloud Downloader, DailyMotion Downloader).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


API for Social Media Downloader (Node.js and Express).

  1. Youtube Downloader. (/api/youtube)
  2. Youtube Playlist Downloader. (/api/youtube-playlist)
  3. TikTok Downloader. (/api/tiktok)
  4. Facebook Video Downloader. (/api/facebook)
  5. Soundcloud Downloader. (/api/soundcloud)
  6. DailyMotion Downloader. (/api/dailymotion)

Install Node.js

Go to this url and install the Node.js on your computer.

To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

node -v

To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:

npm -v

Run The Project

To run this project, open it on your text editor, i suggest you to use Visual Studio Code. After that, install the dependencies by using this command in your terminal:

npm install

After that, run this command in your terminal:

npm start

The project will start on 2020 port.


Every API url, should pass with x-www-form-urlencoded with key and value pair (POST METHOD), Example:

url : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyCn3APagyU

You can find all the API url on routes/downloader.js