
A guide showing what we did at Makers and when we did it

Makers Academy Course Outline

Since my GitHub repositories are not in the correct order of time, I have put together a quick ReadMe to document Week 1 through to Week 11. We also received weekend challenges every friday (Precourse included) which are also documented below.

Week 10 & 11 - (Final Projects)

These are the most challenging two weeks of the course.
Project Description Technologies Online
i-am-ME A prototype of a Visual Calendar Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, HMTL, CSS, Rspec/Capybara, AWS Link to Site

Week 9

Project Description Technologies
Yelp-Clone A project to understand the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails Ruby, Rails, JS, JQuery, HMTL, CSS, Devise, Omniauth
Instagram An attempt at recreating Instagram over a weekend Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS

Week 8 - (Makerthon)

Project Description Technologies Online
Hipsterfication A data representation of the trendy, up-and-coming areas of london JavaScript, Node, Express, jQuery, HMTL, CSS, Hippie Link to site

Week 7

Project Description Technologies
Node-API Learn how to build an app in Node & understanding API's JavaScript, Node, Express, jQuery
Ruby Refresher A refresher to test us on core Ruby methods Ruby, RSpec

Week 6

(Reading Week - So we could branch out on our own and learn what we wanted)
Project Description Technologies
5-a-Side A football app for organizing Makers 5-a-Side Ruby, Sinatra, HTML, CSS, RSpec

Week 5

Project Description Technologies
Fizz Buzz A FizzBuzz in JS to help the switchover Javascript, Jasmine, HTML
Thermostat A thermostat on the browser in JS Javascript, Jasmine, HTML, CSS
Bowling Creating a ten pin bowling scorer in Javascript Javascript, Jasmine, HTML, CSS, jQuery

Week 4

Project Description Technologies
Bookmark Manager Learning how to use relational databases buy building a browser for bookmarking links Ruby, Rspec, Capybara, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS
Chitter Creating a Twitter-esque application using databases Ruby, Rspec, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS

Week 3

Project Description Technologies/Learnt Online
Battleships The Battleships game implemented in the browser Ruby, Sinatra, Cucumber, HTML, CSS, Sessions, Params
Rock Paper Scissors 'Rock Paper Scissors' implemented in the browser Ruby, Rspec, Cucumber, Sinatra, HTML, CSS Link to site

Week 2

Project Description Technologies/Learnt
Battleships A modeling of the classic Battleships board game. Ruby, Rspec, Domain modelling, Game engine, User Interface
Takeaway A takeaway app that can send and receive orders Ruby, Rspec, Twilio API

Week 1

Project Description Technologies/Learnt
Boris Bikes A modelling of the Boris Bikes rental system. Ruby, Rspec **
Airport Airport with planes that land and take off Ruby, Rspec

** A few fundamental things were taught this week:

  • CRC - Class Responsibility Collaboration Cards
  • TDD - Test Driven Development
  • BDD - Behaviour Driven Development
  • OOD - Object Oriented Development
  • OOP - Object Oriented Programming
  • RSpec - Testing framework
  • Chicago vs London Testing Styles


Prior to the Makers Academy course, they ask you to fimiliarise yourself with the basics of Ruby & Version Control and gave us a few challenges as well. These early on repos are still on here to show you how quickly i can learn within 12 weeks. If you would like to look at them, they are listed below, otherwise Weeks 1-12 are as follows...

  • Week 1 => Learning Command Line
  • Week 2 => Learning Git
  • Week 3 => Learning Ruby basics: Chatterbox
  • Week 4 => Learning more ruby: Student Directory