
A convenience template loader for go(lang) templates

Primary LanguageGo


A convenience template loader for stdlib's html/template. Takes away the pain of manually having to parse all files for a specific template.


go get github.com/gust1n/go-render/render


import (

func main() {
    templates, err := render.Load("templates")
    if err != nil {
    // Now I have a map[string]*template.Template to use in my handlers


Check out the examples folder for some examples


Just use the standard template keyword with a *.html file path. REMEMBER to pass the context to the parent template with the trailing dot (. }}).


{{ template "templates/layouts/fullwidth.html" . }}

{{ define "content" }}
    content of index to be inserted into the fullwidth template
{{ end }}

This will also work with multi-level support, e.g. index.html ---extends---> layouts/fullwidth.html ---extends---> base.html


Automatically parse the right file just by writing the path to it

{{ define "content" }}
    content of the fullwidth template
    {{ template "includes/widgets/signup.html" . }}
{{ end }}

Overwriting define / default value

Any "define" of the same "template" down the extend chain will overwrite the former content This can be used to define default values for a {{ template }} like so


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ template "title" }}</title>

{{ define "title" }}Default Title{{ end }}


{{ template "templates/base.html" . }}
{{ define "title" }}Hello World{{ end }}

This would produce panic in std lib parsing but now it works by simply renaming the define's further down the chain not to interrupt the most specific one.

Custom FuncMap

The Renderer can load a custom FuncMap that is injected into every template. Use it as such:

var tmplErr error
templates, tmplErr = render.LoadWithFuncMap("templates", template.FuncMap{
    "greet": func(name string) string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s", name)
if tmplErr != nil {


Inspired by https://github.com/daemonl/go_sweetpl


This is me experimenting and trying to make more use of go templates. I do NOT currently use this in production