
Example of a 3-layer (frontend, API, datastore) Go web app (based on the code that powers https://sourcegraph.com)

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thesrc is a news site for programmers that's intended to be an example of how to structure a large Go web app. While this app is not large itself, it demonstrates the same patterns as in the web app that powers Sourcegraph.com.

The web application architecture and patterns demonstrated here were presented in a talk at Google I/O 2014 entitled Building Sourcegraph, a large-scale code search engine in Go. See that talk for more details.

thesrc has a few special features of interest to programmers:

  • just the good stuff: an automated classifier rejects links that don't contain code or involve programming;
  • not a popularity contest: you can only see a link's score by mousing over it for a couple of seconds, and (TODO) freshly posted links are randomly rotated into the homepage;

Browse the code on Sourcegraph.


Use the thesrc command to interact with the app.

You can either run it directly:

go get github.com/sourcegraph/thesrc/...
go install github.com/sourcegraph/thesrc/...

Or inside Docker:

docker build -t thesrc && docker run thesrc

If you want to run it in Docker, substitute docker run thesrc for every instance of thesrc. (Also note that you'll have to pass Docker the necessary PG* environment variables to connect to the PostgreSQL database.)


First, set the PG* environment variables so that psql works.

Then run these commands to create the DB, import posts from other sites, and classify their links:

thesrc createdb
thesrc import
thesrc classify

# then, in a persistent terminal window:
thesrc serve

# now open your browser to localhost:5000