
Gospel.tech backed from the GCP Marketplace & React-boilerplate front end app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


For context watch my first video. Using gospel.tech's marketplace installer and this repo you can build a private data sharing app with data-owner control and contextual access. There is a front-end component written in React using the React-boilerplate project and a backend that takes care of logins, certificates, the right to be forgotten and sharing data across company boundaries. The React code is just a viewer for the state stored and managed in gospel.

It's special because A.) You can share data with fine grained access-control as structured data, a graph of relationships or blobs(e.g. PDF, photos) without needing to copy it between orgs; b.) You get immutable read-receipts, detail of which person or account read a row or column of a table, or accessed a file. Any attempt to view or read leaves a trace n 3 Hyperledger Fabric blockchain peers - This means you can verify after trusting data into a shared state and control it/stop sharing. It's the basis of controlling your private information, while allowing it to be used to serve you.

Video Tutorial

  • Watch me build this app from this guide in video 2


  • 1 hour
  • Google Cloud account
  • Your own domain and rights to add DNS records (You can try using IPs but chrome gets unhappy and everything fails)

Build a Gospel backend

  • Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/
  • Build a Kubernetes/GKE cluster with at least 3 x n1-standard-2 nodes [5 minutes]
  • Find Gospel Technology on the Google Cloud Marketplace and install on GKE cluster [3 minutes]
  • The marketplace installs an installer - find it and run in via Services [10 minutes]
  • COPY/PASTE the usernames and passwords shows - you'll need it later
  • Log into your new Gospel Data Platform demo in GKE
  • You now have a Gospel Developer Quickstart demo "backend"


  • Make a virtual machine
  • Add it's IP to DNS
  • curl icanhazip.com (this gets you the IP you are using in case you only see your private IP from insude the VM)
  • As root (sudo su -) # apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt install -y dnsutils certbot
  • Sort out an cert with "certbot certonly"

Installing NodeJS and NPM:

For production you should make this a docker image, but for dev purposes it's nice to edit, save, run without any additional overhead. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 so followed this guide. Once you have the latest versions of node and npm, move on

  • apt install -y nodejs npm nginx git
  • (This only gets you node v8.10.0 and npm 3.5.2 from Ubuntu so follow the tut above to get to Node v10.17.0 and npm 6.11.3
  • curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x -o nodesource_setup.sh
  • bash nodesource_setup.sh
  • apt install -y nodejs

Grab the code & set it up

  • git clone
  • cd
  • npm install gospel-sdk-js-1.5.0-296.tgz

You'll find the Gospel SDK is already there but for a newer version check the Downloads section of the Gospel Admin UI

Configure the app

  • edit app/config.js (to add your app's name and review the tables in play)
  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • Now copy the build directory to /var/www/app
  • See the nginx config files to implement the reverse_proxy setup to host the app and send traffic to the back end
  • Make the site live doing "ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/talentdb /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/talentdb"

Next steps include

  • In GKE, find and edit the 'gospel-ca' deployment
  • Change all the IP addresses that refer to gospel back-end's nginx web-service with the domain name of font-end. I built talentdb.gus.io with a valid letsencrypt certificate else Chrome was unhappy. Consider doing the same. Using the VM + it's IP + DNS pointed to it was the simplest to get the cert.
  • While the gospel-ca deployment works on waking up a new gospel-ca pod with 6 containers (it may take a while) do:
  • use "kubectl -n gospel delete pod/xxxxx" to delete the pods signer-xxxxx and 3x backend-xxxx.

Hit it!

  • Hitting my talentdb.gus.io for me, shows the index.html file of the build directory on the VM. It also proxy-passes me to the Gospel back-end for login and auth, and the CA changes means it's sends me back to the front-end to continue using the app.
  • Forgive me but my site is likely offline now as I kill the backend and vms when not testing/demoing this to people to save cost....
  • Use the accounts provided when the back-end completed. Start with account viewer1

Right! Now you can start playing around and see what is connected to what. Try changing the app into a system for sensitive scanned documents for the NHS or a Bank.

Let me know if you need any help!