
👨‍💻 A application to find your Pair Programming Buddy. Based in Tinder.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Boa Hancock Api

GitHub repo size GitHub language count GitHub forks Bitbucket open issues Bitbucket open pull requests

This is the API for our Tinder application for Devs find their pair programming matched.

💻 Prerequisites

  • Install LTS Node version.
  • Fill the .env file, following the .env.example.

🛠 Tools used

  • Typescript
  • Nest
  • Prisma ORM
  • Passport
  • JWT + Github OAuth Strategy

🚀 Installing boa-hancock-api

Clone repository

  git clone https://github.com/RodrigoRVSN/boa-hancock-api.git

Install dependencies

  pnpm i

Run server

  pnpm start:dev

Open prisma studio to access and alter database

pnpm prisma studio

📫 Contribuiting with boa-hancock-api

To contribue with boa-hancock-api, follow the steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <name_branch>.
  3. Make the changes and confirm: git commit -m '<message_commit>'
  4. Send to original repository: git push origin <main_branch> / <local>
  5. Send the pull request.

Alternatively, see the GitHub documentation at how to create a pull request.

🤝 Contributors

Made with ❤️ by:

Foto do Rodrigo Victor no GitHub
Rodrigo Victor
Foto do Gustavo Abel no GitHub
Gustavo Abel