
This repository houses a CRUD application built with Spring Boot, showcasing RESTful API operations for managing vehicles, brands, and models in a dealership system. It provides endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting entities, with interactive API documentation available via Swagger UI after setup.

Primary LanguageJava

Vehicle Management API using Spring Boot

A simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application built with Spring Boot, demonstrating basic RESTful API operations for managing vehicles, brands, and models in a dealership system.


This project is a basic CRUD application developed using Spring Boot. It provides RESTful API endpoints for managing vehicle-related entities, demonstrating how to perform standard CRUD operations within a Spring Boot application.


  • Create: Add new entities via POST requests.
  • Read: Retrieve entities via GET requests.
  • Update: Modify existing entities via PUT or PATCH requests.
  • Delete: Remove entities via DELETE requests.


  • Java
  • Spring Boot: Framework for creating production-grade Spring-based applications quickly.
  • Spring Data JPA: Simplifies data access for Spring applications, including support for CRUD operations.
  • H2 Database: In-memory database for storing data during development.
  • Maven: Dependency management and build automation tool.


To run this application locally using Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull gustavobfig/vehicle-management-api:latest
  2. Run the Docker container:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gustavobfig/vehicle-management-api:latest
  3. Access the API documentation:

    Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html to access the Swagger UI and interact with the API.


  • Pull the Docker image: This command pulls the pre-built Docker image from Docker Hub.
  • Run the Docker container: This command runs a Docker container from the pulled image, mapping port 8080 of the host to port 8080 of the container so you can access the application via http://localhost:8080.
  • Access the API documentation: Open the specified URL in your web browser to access the Swagger UI, which provides an interactive interface for testing the API endpoints.


  • Ensure Docker is installed and running on your local machine.
  • Adjust the commands (docker pull, docker run) to match your specific Docker Hub username and image tag if necessary.