
Primary LanguagePython

Set up

Install pipenv

pip install pipenv

Activate the enviroment:

pipenv shell

Install project dependencies:

pipenv install

You can also install development dependencies:

pipenv install -d

You can install new packages using:

pipenv install package_name

And remeber to update the requirements.txt:

pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt

How to run

uvicorn main:app --reload


docker-compose up --build -d

Image update

# creating a Tag
docker tag lmi-api:v1 docker.pkg.github.com/gustavoeraldo/lmi-api/lmi-api:v1

# Push the image
docker push docker.pkg.github.com/gustavoeraldo/lmi-api/lmi-api:v1


If you are using pipenv:

pipenv shell

pipenv install alembic

alembic init migrations

Before create the tables, update alembic configuration and then run:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added account table"

# or
alembic revision --autogenerate

alembic upgrade head

To Do list

things that I want to try.

  • Use unity tests
  • Use NGINX
  • Use CI/CD with Git actions
  • Use Celery so send emails
    • Use mongo or postgres to save logs. Figure out how to use a custom template with Celery to save data.
  • Develop dynamic filters
  • Create a docker yaml file
  • Watch system logs
    • How organize logs
    • System monitoring
  • Describe software architecture patterns used in this project.
  • Use elastic search engine.
  • Use Authentication
    • Use refresh tokens
    • Authentication with cookies
    • Authentication with JWT using OAuth2 -[X] Auto generate migrations using alembic.



# or
pytest --cov=app tests/

# generating html report from coverage
coverage html