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Proyecto de la materia Laboratorio I. Semestre 2020-I de Ingeniería en Informática en la Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado".
React Application that provides the 250 cryptos in trend. The application also allows conversion calculations between cryptos.
"Edén: Servicio de juegos" is a logistic and information management system for the administration of social and sports clubs, which supports especially the sports disciplines of "bolas criollas" and dominoes.
Final Fantasy Encyclopedia designed in React and Material UI, which takes data from moogleAPI.
Flymagine; Write, read, imagine! It's a social network for all the readers and writers of the world! Here, you can not only share with your friends publications, comments, even reactions to their comments and publications, but you can also visualize the books of your favorite writers, leave them your own review with the score you consider.
Flymagine; Write, read, imagine! It's a social network for all the readers and writers of the world! Here, you can not only share with your friends publications, comments, even reactions to their comments and publications, but you can also visualize the books of your favorite writers, leave them your own review with the score you consider.
This project represents the challenge proposed by the Hackathon Gentleman Programming 2021, in which a system based on JavaScript and libraries derived from the same language will be created. A project related to bootcamps, where both users and companies can log in / sign up, companies can add bootcamps and users can sign up for them.
QuantaQueue is a TypeScript library that provides a simplified approach to queueing theory operations. Developed from the powerful Math.js library, it offers a comprehensive set of methods and functions for performing accurate and efficient mathematical calculations.
Venecodollar is a Typescript library that provides two asynchronous methods to obtain a JSON object with the different values that the dollar has assumed in bolivars.
Venecodollar bot represents a bot for the instant messaging application, Telegram. This bot consumes the Venecodollar API, which provides the dollar values in terms of bolivar measured by some monitors of its value.
gustavoerivero's Repositories
Venecodollar is a Typescript library that provides two asynchronous methods to obtain a JSON object with the different values that the dollar has assumed in bolivars.
Venecodollar bot represents a bot for the instant messaging application, Telegram. This bot consumes the Venecodollar API, which provides the dollar values in terms of bolivar measured by some monitors of its value.
QuantaQueue is a TypeScript library that provides a simplified approach to queueing theory operations. Developed from the powerful Math.js library, it offers a comprehensive set of methods and functions for performing accurate and efficient mathematical calculations.
Proyecto de la materia Laboratorio I. Semestre 2020-I de Ingeniería en Informática en la Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado".
React Application that provides the 250 cryptos in trend. The application also allows conversion calculations between cryptos.
"Edén: Servicio de juegos" is a logistic and information management system for the administration of social and sports clubs, which supports especially the sports disciplines of "bolas criollas" and dominoes.
Final Fantasy Encyclopedia designed in React and Material UI, which takes data from moogleAPI.
This project represents the challenge proposed by the Hackathon Gentleman Programming 2021, in which a system based on JavaScript and libraries derived from the same language will be created. A project related to bootcamps, where both users and companies can log in / sign up, companies can add bootcamps and users can sign up for them.
Práctica de Framework (React.js) para Frontend.
Application that allows to make simulations following the Queuing Theory according to the Operations Research area, being more specific, with M/M/1/k models.
Venecodollar Bot: WhatsApp Version
Flymagine; Write, read, imagine! It's a social network for all the readers and writers of the world! Here, you can not only share with your friends publications, comments, even reactions to their comments and publications, but you can also visualize the books of your favorite writers, leave them your own review with the score you consider.
Flymagine; Write, read, imagine! It's a social network for all the readers and writers of the world! Here, you can not only share with your friends publications, comments, even reactions to their comments and publications, but you can also visualize the books of your favorite writers, leave them your own review with the score you consider.
Este proyecto representa la actividad evaluada FullStack para la asignatura Laboratorio II del Programa de Ingeniería en Informática del Decanato de Ciencias y tecnología de la Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado", Venezuela.
Este proyecto representa la actividad evaluada FullStack para la asignatura Laboratorio II del Programa de Ingeniería en Informática del Decanato de Ciencias y tecnología de la Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado", Venezuela.
Web page containing the projects to be carried out corresponding to the Orbis Universe.
Mini game based on the classic Candy Crush made by kubowania in React.js.
Práctica evaluada de la asignatura Laboratorio II (2021) UCLA.DCYT
Chat Application Using React, Node.js and with MongoDB
Este proyecto representa el proyecto final para la asignatura Base de Datos del Programa de Ingeniería en Informática del Decanato de Ciencias y tecnología de la Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado", Venezuela.
REST API developed with .NET 7 for the water jug challenge.