Challenge Instructions

  • Fork this repo to your own github account
  • After setting up the project, keep your browser with http://localhost:3000 open as well as Jest tests running on the background
  • Start opening the buildFullUrl file and:
    • Fix the failing test and commit the quick fix
    • Refactor the file the way you'd like, keeping the tests green
  • After you're done, create a PR named "Challenge Solution" in your own repo and send us a link to the PR so we can review its diff


  • You can use any data munging library that you like, like lodash, ramda, etc;
  • Think twice before adding external dependencies. Don't use a library that does URL parsing like you're intented to do;
  • Keep the index and test file untouched, if you want to create more tests and extract the code into smaller functions, create other test file and test those functions in separate;

We hope you have fun doing this exercise 😉


First, run the development server:

npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn install
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Running tests

In another terminal tab, keep the tests running:

npm run test
# or
yarn test