
React component to create customizable letterings

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React component to create customizable letterings.


import Lettering from './lettering'

<Lettering className="fancyText" tagName="h1" charClass="custom">
  Awesome Title!

You just need to pass a className that will be used in the wrapper and you can also pass custom classes for chars, words and lines. For instance, in the case above, the generated code will be:

<h1 class="fancyText">
  <span class="word word-0">
    <span class="custom custom-0">A</span>
    <span class="custom custom-1">w</span>
    <span class="custom custom-2">e</span>
    <span class="custom custom-3">s</span>
    <span class="custom custom-4">o</span>
    <span class="custom custom-5">m</span>
    <span class="custom custom-6">e</span>
    <span class="custom custom-7"></span>
  <span class="word word-1">
    <span class="custom custom-8">T</span>
    <span class="custom custom-9">i</span>
    <span class="custom custom-10">t</span>
    <span class="custom custom-11">l</span>
    <span class="custom custom-12">e</span>
    <span class="custom custom-13">!</span>

And with some styles the result can be: screen shot 2015-05-26 at 9 16 03 pm


Inspiration & Base