Version 3.0.0 has breaking changes, please review changelog and documentation.
Simple, fast generation of RFC4122 UUIDs.
- Generate RFC4122 version 1, version 4, or version 5 UUIDs
- Runs in web, server, and flutter
- Cryptographically strong random number generation on all platforms
- Defaults to non-crypto generator, see UuidUtil for cryptoRNG
- Documentation
- Open a command line and cd to your projects root folder
- In your pubspec, add an entry for dart-uuid to your dependencies (example below)
- pub install
- If you wish to run tests, go into packages/dart-uuid/ and run 'dart test/uuid_test.dart'
There are 2 options. Directly from git, or from (you can use 'any' instead of a version if you just want the latest always)
uuid: 3.0.0
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
var uuid = Uuid();
Then create some ids ...
// Generate a v1 (time-based) id
uuid.v1(); // -> '6c84fb90-12c4-11e1-840d-7b25c5ee775a'
// Generate a v4 (random) id
uuid.v4(); // -> '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1'
// Generate a v5 (namespace-name-sha1-based) id
uuid.v5(Uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, ''); // -> 'c74a196f-f19d-5ea9-bffd-a2742432fc9c'
Constructor supports setting some global RNG sertings so you don't have to specify them on each function call for v4 or v5
- (Map<String, dynamic>) Optional uuid state to apply. Properties may include:grng
- (Function) Random # generator to use as a global rng function. A Custom function that returns an list[16] of byte values or 1 of 2 provided.gNamedArgs
- (Map<Symbol, dynamic>) The arguments and values you want to pass to your global rng function.gPositionalArgs
- (List) The positional arguments for your global rng functions, if any.v1rng
- (Function) Random # generator to use as a rng function for v1 seed. A Custom function that returns an list[16] of byte values or 1 of 2 provided.v1rngNamedArgs
- (Map<Symbol, dynamic>) The arguments and values you want to pass to your v1 rng function.v1rngPositionalArgs
- (List) The positional arguments for your v1 rng functions, if any.
Defaults are Uuid.mathRNG
Example: Using CryptoRNG globally
var uuid = Uuid(options: {
'grng': UuidUtil.cryptoRNG
// Generate a v4 (random) id that will use cryptRNG for its rng function
Generate and return a RFC4122 v1 (timestamp-based) UUID.
- (Map<String, dynamic>) Optional uuid state to apply. Properties may include:node
- (List) Node id as List of 6 bytes (per 4.1.6). Default: Randomnly generated ID.clockseq
- (Number between 0 - 0x3fff) RFC clock sequence. Default: An internally maintained clockseq is used.msecs
- (Number) Time in milliseconds since unix Epoch. Default: The current time is used.nsecs
- (Number between 0-9999) additional time, in 100-nanosecond units. Ignored ifmsecs
is unspecified. Default: internal uuid counter is used, as per
- (List) Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. -
- (Int) Starting index inbuffer
at which to begin writing.
v1() returns a string representation of the uuid.
v1buffer() Returns a List buffer
, if specified, also writes the data to the provided buffer.
v1obj() Returns a UuidValue, which has a validation check and some internal functions wrapping the string.
Example: Generate string UUID with fully-specified options
uuid.v1(options: {
'node': [0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab],
'clockSeq': 0x1234,
'mSecs': new DateTime.utc(2011,11,01).millisecondsSinceEpoch,
'nSecs': 5678
}) // -> "710b962e-041c-11e1-9234-0123456789ab"
Example: In-place generation of two binary IDs
// Generate two ids in an array
var myBuffer = new List(32); // -> []
// -> [115, 189, 5, 128, 201, 91, 17, 225, 146, 52, 109, 0, 9, 0, 52, 128, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
uuid.v1buffer(myBuffer, offset: 16);
// -> [115, 189, 5, 128, 201, 91, 17, 225, 146, 52, 109, 0, 9, 0, 52, 128, 115, 189, 5, 129, 201, 91, 17, 225, 146, 52, 109, 0, 9, 0, 52, 128]
// Optionally use uuid.unparse() to get stringify the ids
uuid.unparse(myBuffer); // -> '73bd0580-c95b-11e1-9234-6d0009003480'
uuid.unparse(myBuffer, offset: 16) // -> '73bd0581-c95b-11e1-9234-6d0009003480'
Example: UuidValue usage
uuidValue = uuid.v1Obj(options: {
'node': [0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab],
'clockSeq': 0x1234,
'mSecs': new DateTime.utc(2011,11,01).millisecondsSinceEpoch,
'nSecs': 5678
}) // -> UuidValue{uuid: '710b962e-041c-11e1-9234-0123456789ab'}
print(uuidValue) -> // -> '710b962e-041c-11e1-9234-0123456789ab'
uuidValue.toBytes() -> // -> [...]
Generate and return a RFC4122 v4 UUID.
- (Map<String, dynamic>) Optional uuid state to apply. Properties may include:random
- (Number[16]) List of 16 numbers (0-255) to use in place of randomly generated valuesrng
- (Function) Random # generator to use. A Custom function that returns an list[16] of byte values or 1 of 2 provided.namedArgs
- (Map<Symbol, dynamic>) The arguments and values you want to pass to your function.positionalArgs
- (List) The positional arguments for your functions. if any.
- (List) Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. -
- (Number) Starting index inbuffer
at which to begin writing.
v4() returns a string representation of the uuid.
v4buffer() Returns a List buffer
, if specified, also writes the data to the provided buffer.
v4obj() Returns a UuidValue, which has a validation check and some internal functions wrapping the string.
Example: Generate string UUID with different RNG method
import 'package:uuid/uuid_util.dart';
uuid.v4(options: {
'rng': UuidUtil.cryptoRNG
// -> "109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836"
Example: Generate string UUID with different RNG method and named parameters
import 'package:uuid/uuid_util.dart';
uuid.v4(options: {
'rng': UuidUtil.mathRNG,
'namedArgs': new Map.fromIterables([const Symbol('seed')],[1])
// -> "09a91894-e93f-4141-a3ec-82eb32f2a3ef"
Example: Generate string UUID with different RNG method and positional parameters
import 'package:uuid/uuid_util.dart';
uuid.v4(options: {
'rng': UuidUtil.cryptoRNG,
'positionalArgs': [1]
// -> "09a91894-e93f-4141-a3ec-82eb32f2a3ef"
Example: Generate string UUID with fully-specified options
uuid.v4(options: {
'random': [
0x10, 0x91, 0x56, 0xbe, 0xc4, 0xfb, 0xc1, 0xea,
0x71, 0xb4, 0xef, 0xe1, 0x67, 0x1c, 0x58, 0x36
// -> "109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836"
Example: Generate two IDs in a single buffer
var myBuffer = new List(32);
uuid.v4buffer(myBuffer, offset: 16);
Example: UuidValue usage
uuidValue = uuid.v4obj(options: {
'random': [
0x10, 0x91, 0x56, 0xbe, 0xc4, 0xfb, 0xc1, 0xea,
0x71, 0xb4, 0xef, 0xe1, 0x67, 0x1c, 0x58, 0x36
}) // -> UuidValue{uuid: '109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836'}
print(uuidValue) -> // -> '109156be-c4fb-41ea-b1b4-efe1671c5836'
uuidValue.toBytes() -> // -> [...]
uuid.v5buffer(String namespace, String name, List buffer, {Map<String, dynamic> options: null, int offset: 0}) -> List
Generate and return a RFC4122 v5 UUID.
- (Map<String, dynamic>) Optional uuid state to apply. Properties may include:randomNamespace
- (Boolean) Default True. Returns if you want a v4 generated namespace (true) or NAMESPACE_NIL (false)
- (List) Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. -
- (Number) Starting index inbuffer
at which to begin writing.
v5() returns a string representation of the uuid.
v5buffer() Returns a List buffer
, if specified, also writes the data to the provided buffer.
v5obj() Returns a UuidValue, which has a validation check and some internal functions wrapping the string.
Example: Generate string UUID with fully-specified options
uuid.v5(Uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '');
// -> "c74a196f-f19d-5ea9-bffd-a2742432fc9c"
Example: Generate two IDs in a single buffer
var myBuffer = new List(32);
uuid.v5buffer(Uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '', myBuffer);
uuid.v5buffer(Uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '', myBuffer, offset: 16);
Example: UuidValue usage
uuidValue = uuid.v5obj(Uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '');
// -> UuidValue(uuid: "c74a196f-f19d-5ea9-bffd-a2742432fc9c")
print(uuidValue) -> // -> 'c74a196f-f19d-5ea9-bffd-a2742432fc9c'
uuidValue.toBytes() -> // -> [...]
Parse and unparse UUIDs
- (String) UUID(-like) stringbuffer
- (List) Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. Default: A new Array or Buffer is usedoffset
- (Int | Number) Starting index inbuffer
at which to begin writing. Default: 0
Throws: parse() -> FormatException - when not a valid UUID unparse() -> Exception - when length of list contents is not 16
Example parsing and unparsing a UUID string
var bytes = uuid.parse('797ff043-11eb-11e1-80d6-510998755d10'); // -> [121, 127, 240, 67, 17, 235, 17, 225, 128, 214, 81, 9, 152, 117, 93, 16]
var string = uuid.unparse(bytes); // -> '797ff043-11eb-11e1-80d6-510998755d10'
For more examples or usage, check my test implementations.
In dartvm
dart test\uuid_test.dart
In Browser/flutter
No in browser testing, but I know many use it in Web and Flutter projects.
v1 only: 59kb
v4 only: 54kb
v4 crypto only: 61kb
v5 only: 69kb
v1 + v4: 66kb (includes crypto)
v4 + v5: 76kb (includes crypto)
ALL: 76kb
v1 + v5: 77kb