
This applications is used to learn Angular. For access the course click here: https://www.udemy.com/course/angular-pt/learn/lecture/7032798#content

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Link Curso Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/angular-pt/learn/lecture/7032850#overview


  • Recursos do Angular:

    • Data binding;
    • Modules;
    • Dependence Injection.
  • Linguagens:

    • ES5;
    • ECMASCRIPT 2015;
    • Typescript(O Angular é escrito nessa linguagem);
    • Dart;
  • Install:

    • Node JS;
    • Angular CLI;
      //for install angular cli
      npm install -g @angular/cli
      //for check version instaled
      ng --version


  • Extenção do Javascript;

    • Ajuda na correção de erros em tempo de execução;

    • Ajuda na organização e padronização do código;

    • Uso de tipos:

      • Declarado a esquerda;
      • Inferido pelo valor atribuido;
      • Any (Semelhante ao JS);
    • Declaração de Arrays:

      • Declaração direta do tipo;
      • Tipo arrau extendendo do tipo dos valores;
      • Por inferência;
    • Variables:

      • When you don't define variable type, you default type is any
  • For start project in Typescript:

    • Create file: tsconfig.json
    • Create file:
  • How to install Typescript compiler:

    npm install typescript -g
    //Verify version
    tsc -v
  • Run typescript transpiler:

    • With terminal open folder:
    tsc name.ts
    // Compile in run time:
    tsc -w
  • Run js transpiled:

    //.js is not necessaryx'
    node way/name
  • Functions:

    • Typescript allows to use typed parameters and returns;
    • Arrow Functions are abrevieited form to write functions;
    • Declarate variables with type function;
    • All function parameters on .ts are required:
      • For no required parameters use '?' after parameters name;
    • REST parameters are array parameters with simple declaration;
  • Objected Orientation:

    • typescript suport classes, objects, heritage and interfaces;
  • Modules:

    • Modules are typescript files with exportable parts;
  • Install a external javascript lib

//Initialize file package.json
npm init -f
//Install lib for dev and run time
npm install --save pkg_name@version
//Instal type conversion of lib, only development time
npm install --save-dev @types/pkg_name@version

3. First application

  • Create and run new angular application:
//Create a new application
ng new 'application-name' --prefix='short-prefix-name'
//Run application - it's necessary open folder created previously on terminal
ng serve
  • When excecute command ng serve, you start a live server for development usgin webpack;

  • A angular module is a group of your application components or a group of framework components;

  • Decorator is a function that apply metadata on JS or TS class, atributes, methods or methods atributes;

  • Components:

    • Components are custom elements that can be reused;
    • Angular components have 'Classes' with lifecycle, 'Templates' that define appearance and a 'selector' or 'tag' for use this component in other parts of application;
    • Components are declarated in Angular modules (With @NgModule Decorator), if a compoent o is declarated in root module, all application have access to this module.
    • For create components:
    //In cmd or terminal with project folder open
    ng generate component 'comp_name'
    //For don't generate test files
    ng generate component 'comp_name'--skipTests=false
    //Short version
    ng g c 'comp_name'--skipTests=false
    • Property binding is used to target properties of component on DOM components (use '['atribute']');
      • Always you want to pass atributes for components, and this atributes isn't strings, use Property binging syntax:
      <component [atribute]="value"></component>
    • Template interpolation is used to get atributes of angular components (use '{}').
  • Directves is used to add behaviors on DOM elements;

    • Obs: Don't have tamplates;
    • Directives can be:
      • Templates;
      • Structs;
      • Atributes;
  • Events are used with '()' for indicate functions have activate when the event start;

    • You can emmit events for components using 'Output' and 'EventEmmiter' libs;

3. MEAT App

  • The "angular-cli.json" import for application all scripts and styles. The webpack server include in application this scripts on the same orther that you put in your file.

  • For create an dynamic part on component:

    • Create object calles ROUTES and include your routes, this object is inside app.routes.ts file;
    • Import var ROUTES in app component and pass with param in:
    imports: [
  • Dependence injection is standart project for receive data;

  • Services are used for encapsule the conection with backend:

    • 3 scopes:

      • Modules -> providers[];
      • Components and you son components -> providers[];
      • Only component -> viewProviders[];
    • For a service receive another service with injection, is necessary use decorator @Injectable;

    • Reactive Programming: Programming based on events;

      • Iterator + Observer;
      • The diference between Observable and Promisses is the number of events. An observable receive multiple events and a promisse receive only one event;
    • JSON Server:

      npm install json-server
      json-server 'nome'.json
  • Pipes are methods to transform contents:

    • json -> notation for show json on html, often used on development time;
    • uppercase;
    • lowercase;
    • percent;
    • data : 'dd/MM/yyyy';
    • currency: 'BRL' :true (number form);
    • slice: part of array;

3. Custom Components and Forms

  • novalidate remove browser checks for html forms:

    <form novalidate></form>
  • ngModel is used to allow view forms states;

    • valid|invalid;
    • pristine|dirty;
    • untouched|touched;
  • Content Projection is a method for create a parent component that modify only visual characteristics and receive another part of code for example an <input>;

4. Reactive Forms

  • They are used for validate and configure a form;

4. Angular Modules

  • Organize application;

  • Implements lazy loading;

  • kind of modules:

    • Root module;
    • Shared & Core modules;
    • Feature modules;
  • Preloading for lazy load big components;

5. Angular Animations

  • Install animation angular module;

    npm install --save @angular/animations@4.0.0
    npm install --save web-animations-js
  • Import Browser Animations Module;

  • Animation:

    • Triggers;
    • State;
    • Transition;
      • Void and WildCard;
    • Styles;

6. Configure Application Angular

  • For create a build with development settings;
//The App is compiled just in time;
ng build
  • For create a build with production version;
//The App is compiled ahead of time
ng build --prod

7. Deployment application

8. Backend security with json-server

  • Use backend folder in project;

  • For use typescript create tsconfig.json file;

    • Run tsc -w for transpile .ts files for .js files on backend folder;
    • Create and modificate server.ts file;
  • Install nodemon for compile and excecute codes in runtime;

    npm install nodemon -g
  • Run backendserver:

    //'dist' folder had configured in 'tsconfig.json'
    nodemon --watch backend .\backend\dist\server.js
  • For teste json-server in Postman disable the option: Enable SSL certificate verification on Settings