A simple 1Msps single channel scope with the TFT display on the ESP32-TTGO.
- 3050311118
- abaelen
- alwin4711Dessau-Roßlau / Germany
- anderson-Brasil
- Atashik
- bagobor
- dchekmarevBangkok, Thailand
- Dhanabhon@aptx-dev
- diginoiz-net
- dominickleeMakitronics, LLC
- dzanis
- e-onux
- EstevesDouglasUNICAMP
- fusss9HackUSB
- GabrielKis
- gdemarchiUniversity of Salzburg
- GustavoRPOneRF Netoworks
- jhv001
- kakaroto33None
- kiki67100
- LacybadMateszalka, Hungary
- marciolmPontifical Catholic University of Paraná
- mgolebiewskiAustralia
- mohamedsaad211Egypt,cairo
- powellste
- r3d5ky
- Sergionn
- stefschinLuxlar
- tamalber18
- tk2415
- tobozoParis, France
- TonyVieFrance
- u48
- unwndevicesUnknown Devices
- Wrascon
- XoGuSi