This repository contains source code of the RabbitMQ Java client. The client is maintained by the RabbitMQ team at Pivotal.
Maven artifacts are released to Maven Central via RabbitMQ Maven repository on Bintray. There's also a Maven repository with milestone releases. Snapshots are available as well.
This client releases are independent from RabbitMQ server releases and can be used with RabbitMQ server 3.x
They require Java 8 or higher.
compile 'com.rabbitmq:amqp-client:5.4.1'
This client releases are independent from RabbitMQ server releases and can be used with RabbitMQ server 3.x
They require Java 6 or higher.
compile 'com.rabbitmq:amqp-client:4.8.1'
See Contributing and How to Run Tests.
This package, the RabbitMQ Java client library, is triple-licensed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1 ("MPL"), the GNU General Public License version 2 ("GPL") and the Apache License version 2 ("ASL").