
Exercise manager to help in your trainings

Primary LanguageElixir

Wabanex, is a exercise manager to help you in your trainings

GitHub language count Repository size GitHub last commit License Stargazers

🚧 In progress 🚀 🚧

Content Table

💻 About the project

🏋 - Wabanex is a app to help you exercising and getting healthy

⚙️ To-do

  • GraphQL API
    • Test all API (For the actual moment of the project)
    • Authentication with Guardian
    • Create front-end
    • LiveView integration
    • React and React native integration
    • Deploy

How to run the project


Before starting you will need to have installed Git, Node.js. Besides that is good to have a text editor like VSCode

🎲 Running Backend

# Clone this repo
$ git clone git@github.com:gustavopmaia/wabanex.git

# Access the project folder in terminal
$ cd wabanex

# Download dependencies
$ mix deps.get

# Setup databse
$ mix ecto.setup

# Start application
$ mix phx.server

# The server will start on port 4000 - access http://localhost:4000

🛠 Techs

The following techs were used in the project construction:

Website (Elixir + Phoenix)


💪 How to contribute to the project

  1. Make a fork of the project.
  2. Create a new branch with your changes: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Save the changes with a message of what you did: git commit -m "feature: My new feature"
  4. Send your changes: git push origin my-feature

🦸 Author

Gustavo Maia

📝 License

This project is under the GPLv3.