
Export information from Excel + Import to DB + Elastic search indexing

Primary LanguageJava


  • This project reads an excel file (Apache POI) and then imports the information into MySQL db (Refer strategies section below)
  • The information is synchronized in an Elasticsearch cluster as well.


  • Install MySQL server and create the schema "import_process"
  • Install Elasticsearch 2.4.0
  • Open ${ELASTICSEARCH_HOME}\config\elasticsearch.yml and add the following configuration -cluster.name: import-cluster
  • Launch elasticsearch service ${ELASTICSEARCH_HOME}\config\bin\elasticsearch

#Skip MySQL configuration?

  • Comment the database configuration properties in application.properties file(url, user, pass) and the project will use H2 out of the box (h2 dependency already included in pom.xm)


  • Execute the App.java file as Java Application or execute "mvn install" and launch the jar file from console
  • The application will parse the file using apache poi and then will load the information in the model (RowRecord.java)
  • The repository (JPA) will persist the information into the database
  • The Elasticsearch repository will sync the data into the cluster

#Strategies Implemented (listed by best to lowest performance)

  1. Batch
  2. JPA
  3. JDBC + PreparedStatement


#Verify if Elasticsearch is running