
An experimental foreign exchange API built with NodeJS and Crocks JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Functional Boilerplate


NodeJS functional boilterplate for microservices

📖 Index

🔍 About

Created following the concepts of Functional Programming, Clean Architecture and Domain Driven Development.
Microservice oriented, aiming to provide a quick services development, highly scalable and be resilient to business rules changes.

🎈 Quick start

  • Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/zrpaplicacoes/node-functional-boilerplate.git
  • Move to the appropriate directory: cd node-functional-boilerplate.
  • Run npm i in order to install dependencies.
  • Run docker-compose up -d app && docker attach node-functional-boilerplate_app_1
  • The sample application will be running in localhost:3007/v1/graphql
  • Happy coding

🛠 Issues

Please, if you come across any issues report them here.

:octocat: Contributing

Anyone is welcome to contribute! Please fell free to make any pull resquests, or resquest features you would like to see in the future.

⛏ Built with