Application that calculate insurance risk profile by given user information. Made with Node.Js with Express framework inspired in Clean Architecture and DDD principles.
This project is comprised of the following languages and libraries:
- Node v14.2+
- Express
- Awilix
- Structure
- HTTP Status
- winston
- Morgan
- Express Status Monitor
- Nodemon
- Jest
- Ramda
- ESLint
Auxiliary libraries were omitted but can be found in the package.json file.
- Install the dependencies with:
docker-compose run --rm app bash -c "npm i"
- Start a container with:
docker-compose up -d app
- The app will be running on
- Just make a POST request to
- Swagger api docs
- Running test suite with:
docker-compose run --rm specs
- Running lint with:
docker-compose run --rm lint