
Create Spotify playlists using setlist.fm api

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create Spotify playlists using setlist.fm api


The first thing you'll need to do is set your applications client id, client secret, and callback url. You can do this via the environment variables client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri. Or by typing them into the code in server/routes.js. Fun tip: because we're using [Better NPM Run][bnr], you can set these in your package.json - head over there to see an example.

There are three scripts - start, dev, and build.

$ cd server
$ node APIServer.js

To run the production bundle:

$ npm run build
$ npm start

To run in dev mode (with hot reloading, and un-minified source maps):

$ npm run dev

### TODO

- Create Playlist in Spotify
- Implement tests with karma
- Styling and UI improvements