
Financial modeling with Python and Pandas

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status pypi Documentation Status

Financial modelling with Python and Pandas

Implemented functions:

  • Basic calculations
    • Net present Value
    • Internal rate of returns
    • Flat loan payments
    • Future value
    • Continuously compounded interest rate
  • Enterprise value
    • Free Cash Flows
    • Weighted average cost of capital and DCF

Based on this book Financial Modeling by Simon Benninga



  • switched to financialmodelingprep.com API for financials
  • pypi release
  • readthedocs release

Features in the next releases

  • optimal portfolio calculation
  • caching of API results


The latest docs are available here. Blog posts 1 and 2 are referring to version 0.1 and are not updated.


Easiest way to install is to use pip

pip install pyfinmod


  1. Create and issue in this repo
  2. Send me am email msc.smirnov.am+pyfinmod@gmail.com
  3. Shoot me a message in Linkedin

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